Donald Trump warns of threat of World War II, mixes up names of Joe Biden and Barack Obama in Washington speech to – 815 points –
'I'm leading Obama by a lot': Donald Trump appears to get his political rivals mixed up, warns of World War II

Mr Trump made the gaffe about the threat of World War II — which finished in 1945 — during the part of his address in which he was questioning the mental acuity of 80-year-old Mr Biden.


Maybe he got confused by all the swastikas around these days. It sure feels like the rise of the third Reich down in Florida

Trump wanted US military generals to emulate generals of the third Reich and treat him like he was Hitler:

It turned out that the generals had rules, standards, and expertise, not blind loyalty. The President’s loud complaint to John Kelly one day was typical: “You fucking generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?”
“Which generals?” Kelly asked.
“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded.
“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.
But, of course, Trump did not know that. “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the President replied. In his version of history, the generals of the Third Reich had been completely subservient to Hitler; this was the model he wanted for his military. Kelly told Trump that there were no such American generals, but the President was determined to test the proposition.

Trump, not a man known for his literacy, kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed and would read it sometimes:

Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

Then there's this:

Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a family joke.

Trump seems to aspire to be Hitler-like, and he even tried to take supreme dictatorial power through populism, lies and propaganda like Hitler did.

And now we know why Tuberville is holding up military appointments. He's waiting for Trump to come back and nominate crazies that will show loyalty to the president over the welfare of the country.

If the shoe was on the other foot and there was a Democrat holding up all these appointments, I have zero doubt that Republicans would find a way around it or cause holy hell in the media till something changed.

Democrats on the other hand are too timid to rustle some feathers.

This is one of many reasons why I vote Green.

Green? Fuck off with that shit. Stein was bought and paid for by Putin and you are going to proudly state that you support the spoiler party that played it's part in getting Trump elected.

If you dislike the Democrats, but you refuse to vote for anybody else, where's their motivation to change?

Stein was bought and paid for by Putin

The "evidence" for this is that she was photographed sitting at a table with Putin. Jill says that she had no plans to meet with him, and they didn't even discuss anything.

On the other hand, there are photos of Hillary shaking hands with Putin. So, I guess that means she's "bought and paid for by Putin", too?

A coup's not gonna work unless you have the military on your side.

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"You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.

That is precisely the kind of officer America needed under Turnip Dump.

Yep, John Kelly missed his chance to be a hero

“Which generals?” Kelly asked.
“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded.
“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.

He mean he wanted generals like Nazis.

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World War 2: 2

No one’s expecting Germany to invade Poland, that would be way more surprising this time ‘round.

Then rolls into France from the top, because the French were all camped out in the Ardennes.

New Super World War II Deluxe

Super world war ii: turbo championship hyper edition

There are going to be microtransactions and DLC.

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For those who didn't read the article, Trump claims Biden is too old and senile to be trusted to run the country then proceeds to confuse WW2 and WW3, then confused Biden and Obama and then immediately after confused Hilary and Obama (ie, the headline slightly understates it if anything.)

Here's the citation:

"The radical left thugs have weaponised law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponent … leading by a lot … including Obama," he said before catching the error and trying to get back on track but appearing to forget that it was Hillary Clinton he beat in the 2016 presidential election.

"I'll tell you what … you take a look at Obama and you look at some of the things that he's done, this is the same thing, the country was very divided and we did with Obama, we won an election they said that couldn't be won."

It made no sense to me, I thought I was used to how this guy speaks. I listened to the video. It's the same thing. makes no sense.

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That boy ain't right....

Yet the media will not be running article after article on Trump’s “fitness” to be president.

Because they know the answer is “He never was, he never will be.”

Republicans will protect him from any referendums regarding his fitness to be president. They don't care about his crimes, gaffes, lapses in logic, childish outbursts, anti-intellectualism, open racism, hate, stochastic terrorism, boorishness, fascist tendencies, Russian asset-like behaviors, or antidemocratic coups. They sure as shit won't care about this.

Trump himself has threatened to start WWIII with nuclear missiles over twitter on more than one occasion, and often floated assassinations of high-ranking members of nuclear states like Iran.

To be fair, last time this many Nazis were openly supporting a fascist lunatic we did get WWII.

And WWII was quite bad, nobody wants another WWII.

That would be WWII II, not to be confused with WWMCXI

If the Left weren't so timid, they would be all over this and demand he is examined for senility. Because, let's face it, that is exactly what the GOP would do if Biden started talking about the War of 1812 or how he will defeat George W Bush.

Sure, there are going to be a bunch of snarky comments and a few memes about this posted, but I hate to break it to you all, our comments on social media don't mean squat. We need actual people in positions of power to come forward and demand Trump get a mental health exam. But they clearly are too cowardly to do so.

Timidity isn't the problem. The "left" only exists in online forums such as Lemmy. Truth be told, there's been such a disastrous amount of damage done to working class consciousness over the decades during the cold war that people think wanting universal healthcare is communist.

But that is being timid. Because the Right has made universal healthcare a "communist" thing, but the Left is so utterly clueless in this country that they can't make a unified, cohesive argument for it. They are too timid to attack the Right, even when the Right never misses a chance to go on the offensive.

The Left in other parts of the industrialized world can be credited for universal healthcare, paternity leave, low-cost higher education and stuff like that.

The Left in the US can be credited for fucking up pronouns.

One is useful for getting working families what they need most to not just survive, but actually prosper. The other is just uselessly wasting everyone's time and energy on pointless issues, and as such, it is no wonder that the Left in the US gets little support and even less respect.

Poll after poll has shown that the majority of people in the US support universal healthcare. Even the majority of Republicans! So, the problem isn't that people are scared of universal healthcare. The problem is we aren't organized.

Spare me.

We do the healthcare debate in this country about once a generation. It takes years for the situation to get so bad that people are so sick of things that they legitimately start demanding change. That's one of the things that got Obama elected around 15 years ago. And all this talk about us demanding change and a better system vanished almost overnight when the debate actually started. All those people who weeks prior were all for some kind of universal coverage, all of a sudden they fell quiet as these people got cold feet. So just as the people who wanted change quieted down, at the same time you had right wing groups trying to scare people with accusations of "death panels" and a bunch of other pro-business bullshit. So in the end, Obama being the pragmatist that he was, settled for a much watered-down healthcare program that barely passed Congress.

So pardon me whenever I hear this nonsense that "a majority of the US supports universal healthcare" all I can do is laugh because polls are utterly meaningless because the one time in recent history when we could have gone that route, we fell far short. And to be clear, I absolutely think we need universal healthcare, but I just know my fellow Americans say a whole lot of things in non-binding polls, but rarely follow-through with that when it comes to electing like-minded individuals.

Correct, and those things happened because the left wasn't organized. We're also easily divided by Democrat propaganda that demonizes leaders like Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, and Bernie Sanders.

The problem is that there is no true "Left" in America. The Democrats are a right wing political party when compared with international politics.

The only difference between the 2 is that the Dems pretend to fight for human rights, though in actuality they DO very little. Mostly just talk, not mich action.

Because both sides are paid by the same corporate treasuries.


That's why capitalism will never work. Those at the top just get paid off and the populace suffers.

The number of powerful politicians on the left I can count on one hand.

What you're talking about isn't cowardice. It's complicity. They want Trump to be the nominee, because they think they can beat him. Worst case scenario, he wins, and they get to fundraise like hell and benefit from his tax cuts.

Trump being the nominee is indeed the best situation for Dems. No question about that, but he's been making these type of deluded comments even when he was in office and Dems never went hard on the "he's got dementia" angle in attacking him. I'm not talking about random folks like us online, but rather elected officials. They were (and are still) afraid of getting in the crosshairs of Trump.

He's had a mental health exam. Remember "Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV?"

He bragged about how easy his Alzheimer's test was. This is the organization that does the test he was referring to:

MoCA empowers healthcare professionals and researchers to detect cognitive impairment related to

Alzheimer’s disease

Parkinson’s disease

Huntington’s disease

Lewy Body Dementia


Fronto-temporal dementia

To be real, I’m kinda surprised the GOP hasn’t already done this, enough people already believe this especially on the right

They kind of have. Fox News is endlessly using the worst images and videos of Biden in their broadcasts. Some of them purposely altered.

Ha! Who’s the senile one now?

Now? He's been babbling nonsense the last decade or two.

Yes, but it's nonsense that riles up the base and gets them to vote! So he's still a useful idiot to the GOP...

His dementia is really showing now, huh.

I mean he's always been such an eloquent and thoughtful speaker, you know?

Do we actually need more proof that Trump has a brain of cheese? Even before being old he was fucking deranged. It's a joke that this is even a topic of discussion at this point.

Republicans once again proving that every accusation they make against others is just a confession

let's be real: insanity is the only defense left on the table. he's always been incoherent, so his lawyers probably told him to lean into it.

All those years of booger sugar

Also (neuro)syphilis.

Seems likely. I mean, reading stuff from the 90s, it seems he had his brains in order then, just with that bad habit of putting his d*ck into too many places. And cocaine may not necessarily make one that demented.

It's kinda sad. I'd really like to die before I turn into something like this, no matter how.

What would happen if trump removed the US from NATO and ordered the US military to help his friend/owner-putler?

He could try. Doubt he would have congressional support. Even Republicans understand the nature of NATO and how it protects MAD.

I think you're underestimating the goals of those coordinating the global RW fascist insurgency.

The world is left no less stable than it already is, Europe goes back to consuming cheap gas, and the Europeans finally restart their domestic military programs.

So, the US pivoting to backing russia's genocide against democracies wouldn't change anything?

Not really, no. The US still has NATO obligations, Ukraine will still be corrupt, and Russia will still have oligarchs leeching all of their economic output.

The FIRST thing trump would do is remove the US from NATO.

Ah yes, because all of NATO Europe (GDP: $23 trillion) and Canada (GDP: $2 trillion) could never match the economic might of Russia (GDP: $1.8 trillion) and needs US support in any protracted conflict.

Who do you think you're convincing?

I'm not talking about 'economic' might. I'm talking about a realignment of allies.

I'm not talking about 'economic' might. I'm talking about a realignment of allies. (Just noticed a person cannot edit after accidental deletion)

Would that change anything? Russia is a tiny economy even in the European context. You're saying Europe couldn't maintain It's territorial sovereignty without the US in NATO?

So why is this piece of shit human being convicted felon still allowed to give speeches? And what kind of fucking braindead moron would want to listen to a literal traitor give a speech? Those people should never be allowed to vote again.

We’ve had one, yes, what about second World War?

World war two, part three?

World war 2a?

He probably shit his pants again and was wondering if he should smear more on his face for the cameras...

It's kind of amazing this kind of exactly what's expected and has been shown before is considered news, even aside from it just being more bland political shit-slinging.

I too get upset when my presidential candidates are followed and reported on. What are these journalists thinking lately?

It's weird that you consider TMZ-quality nonsense reporting.

It's worth knowing if Trump actually thinks that we haven't had world war two already.

It's weird that you interpret something highlighted as a gaffe as knowing - right up there with those whining about Biden's speech issues.

It's weird that you think a pattern of demented speech is not news worthy. Actually kind of hilarious you're trying to sound smart as you stand up specifically for Donald Trump.

Absolutely 100% newsworthy and not even slightly how you're trying to paint it. Go back to 4chan

It’s weird that you think a pattern of demented speech is not news worthy.

You're performing the blue team equivalent of whining about Biden's stutter after defending Biden's stutter. The irony is amazing.

Go back to 4chan

Right after you go back to r/Politics.

I was banned in that sub more than once, but sure. That and the fact that I'm forever boycotting reddit...totally, I'm clamoring to use a shitty sub there.

No one really gives a flying fuck about shitty wrong opinions that help no one except Trump. Except in r/conservative, perhaps where I should have told you to go back to instead

I was banned in that sub more than once, but sure.

It's not hard to see why - they tend not to like blatant trolls, even blue-friendly ones.

That and the fact that I’m forever boycotting reddit…totally, I’m clamoring to use a shitty sub there.

It's unfortunate you decided to migrate Reddit idiocy as well.

No one really gives a flying fuck about shitty wrong opinions

And yet, you keep posting this nonsense.

Except in r/conservative, perhaps where I should have told you to go back to instead

Ahh, I see - to you, the mere criticism of this being not newsworthy is somehow a defense of Trump therefore I'm conservative. Brilliant partisan thinking there.

No one cares that you think you're being somehow superior to everyone else for defending Trump. Go away, magat (I don't give a fuck if you somehow aren't a trump supporter, you strapped on their uniform)

No one cares that you think you’re being somehow superior to everyone else for defending Trump.

It's incredible you can't fathom a world where a criticism of the newsworthiness of an article isn't also somehow a stretched defense of the subject of the article.

This is your brain on partisanship, folks.

Go away, magat (I don’t give a fuck if you somehow aren’t a trump supporter, you strapped on their uniform


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If Biden studders it's reported, and I've no doubt you have no problem with that, despite the fact that he has a well documented speech impediment and also stuttering isn't actually a sign that someone is an incompetent moron incapable of running a 711.

If Biden studders it’s reported, and I’ve no doubt you have no problem with that

Feel free to continue making bad assumptions. I'm not sure how a criticism of the lack of newsworthiness of Trump's latest failing somehow implies Biden stuttering is somehow newsworthy, but you do you.

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