Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore? to – 130 points –

Has anyone else noticed that Wikis for most games just aren't as complete anymore?

I'm the one helping to fill in stuff these days when I swear most games had pretty fully Wiki pages within a week of release. Have most of these just moved to actual Gaming article websites? They sure as hell haven't gone to Gamefaqs lol.

I've recently played Diablo 4, Remnant 2, 30XX, Armored Core 6, and just started Have a Nice Death... and I've had to help with additions on nearly every free Wiki... Never used to have to do this...


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I don't know if it's just anecdotal, but it feels like a lot of content is moving to Youtube. People make a 10+ min video out of what used to be a paragraph on a wiki site.

Call me an old geezer, but I can’t stand videos for about 95% of all video game guides. They are either too slow or too fast, and include 10 mins of talking for “and the hot key you are looking for is H”.

I've been thinking lately that a lot of people are way worse at reading comprehension than I would have guessed. Like, there's a large chunk of the population where reading is difficult and uncomfortable. Of course they prefer YouTube.

We'd rarely encounter these people on a text first medium like here.

We need sponsorskip to shorten tutorial type videos

This is why I only look for the videos where the uploader is showing their screen, and then watch them at 10x speed (using the Enhancer For YouTube addon) with the sound on mute.

I can't stand listening to them. 99% of people doing these videos, any videos, on YouTube have no concept or idea of how to actually talk properly to an audience. I don't want to have to skip through someone fucking mumbling in an indecipherable accent to find what I need.

Give me written instructions/guides. It's faster, I can re-read easily at my own pace (fast!) and I don't get annoyed by someone's nasally voice. Yes I'm an older one too.

Youtube lets creators monetize their content, wikis don't. Everything is a hustle now.

Even that feels sketch though. Most of the actual info I really needed had less than 10,000 views. Usually more in the 2-3k range which makes jack squat on Youtube dollars.

Yeah I've actually had to resort to this a few times with Armored Core 6 specifically. It seemed like Wiki sites just didn't have the detail for each spot, but did have generalized information for each mission for example. But the extra tidbits for each just straight up wasn't filled in. I'd google, find a gaming website which had some info, but literally not all of it. It was also in the classic 'recipe' style bullshit website where you get through 3 full screens of fluff before what I needed.

I decided I'd help where I could but it came to me after playing two more games in that time that EVERY free wiki site had the same issue. I just don't remember that problem 3-5+ years ago.

I normally hate turning to Youtube when there's a text resource available, but I've definitely found there are some situations where explaining a trick or a location in text is massively harder than just watching someone do it in a video.

There's this guy who made maps of more than 200 games on GameFAQs and he's my hero

I'm a mechanic irl, and I have this issue all the time. I don't need a 12 minute 38 second video to show me how to get some particular bits apart, while text and long lost pictures don't work very well either.

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