Clarence Thomas’ Latest Pay-to-Play Scandal Finally Connects All the Dots to politics – 1116 points –
Clarence Thomas’ Latest Pay-to-Play Scandal Finally Connects All the Dots

ProPublica released a new report on Friday detailing Justice Clarence Thomas’ close relationship with the Koch brothers with previously undisclosed and extraordinarily damning new details.

According to ProPublica, the justice developed a friendship with the Kochs as they were funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into right-wing causes, many of which ended up before the Supreme Court. The brothers then used Thomas to raise money for their sprawling network, inviting him to speak at “donor events” that brought in millions of dollars.

He disclosed none of these activities on his annual disclosure forms, an obvious violation of federal ethics law.


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They are both problems, but if blatant corruption concerns you less than which way they naturally lean, you might be a partisan moron.

The republicans aren't calling for him to step down so this is partisan politics, not an actual call for ethics reform.

That is because one party at least tries to be ethical most of the time and the other doesn't even have the courtesy to pretend. Ethics shouldn't be a party issue but here we are.

Both parties have a multitude of sketchy relationships, and a shady past. Manchins a democrat and he's the biggest sellout for Big Oil

And yet one side is clearly worse than the other

Nobody's falling for your crap here

There are like a dozen stories on the front page right now about Democrats running against Menendez and/or calling for him to resign for corruption. Nobody's falling for this "both sides" crap anymore.

A little secret: he ain't a Democrat. He just said so because the old folks in his State remember when their grandparents voted Democrat.

Manchin is the most Republican of the Democrats and he's the best you could come up with when looking for Democratic corruption?

Kinda proving your opponent's point here

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