Humans be like to Lemmy – 344 points –

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There is something fascinating about getting a glimpse of how truly complex and incomprehensible the world is. There’s a reason Fire and Water are so hard to replicate with mathematical processors (in CGI)

nah we got that shit figured out. u seen avatar way of the water?

7/10 Too much water

Wait until the Air and Fire episodes!

Pretty sure cameron is playing the long con with this one. We got "Avatar the last Airbender" around the same time "Avatar" came out. The first Avatar was Earth Kingdom. This most recent was Water Kingdom. So it stands to reason the next two are Wind and Fire, right?


We are being played for absolute fools!

Even as close as we are now it took a long time and is computationally intensive

Aside from the boring story I wasn't impressed by the 48fps and optical abberations of water when compared to real life. I don't believe we "figured that shit out" yet.

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