Is turn into authoritarian?

Lee to – 376 points –

I just realised, I can't post anything on

So, I checked, there's a new moderator.

All posts and comments talking about China, Jinping, Russia, and Putin have been deleted and users banned


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You're free to abandon your account and they're free to not hire authoritarian moderators. Why should it be on you and not them?

ROFL! So… to summarize, you think the moderators who put their own time, effort, and money into running an instance….

… are entirely beheld to a random tool that doesn’t like how things are run?

It’s not on them because they own the instance. If you don’t like it, fuck all the way off elsewhere. It’s what I did. Because I get how it works.

If I go to a mechanic and they put Nazi literature in my car, I have a couple of options. One would be to just switch to another mechanic and not say anything. The other would be to let everyone know about the car place that puts Nazi literature in your car to shame them into firing whoever it was that did it.

You would take option one. I consider that cowardly.

My god, you’re not very bright, are you?

For starters, you PAY a mechanic. So if they put “Nazi literature” in your car, yeah, you’d have a big problem with them and deservedly so-

How much did you pay to use their server?

Also- it’s THEIR server. Not YOUR CAR.

Additionally, you’re VERY bad at analogies. Please learn how to compare to similar things before you attempt to try one again.

Stopped reading at the insult. Not interested in trading insults.

And before you claim I called you a coward, I did not. I said you would take the cowardly option in the case I was mentioning.

I am not interested in Reddit behavior. You can either talk to me like you would if we were face to face, where you know you would not be hurling insults, or I can just block you. Your choice.

I can see why they banned you lol

No one banned me from anywhere. I never said I was banned. Where do you get that I was banned?

These people just wanna bash someone and be contrarian to feel better about themselves, logic doesn't work man.

If you don’t want to have your intelligence insulted, try showing some. Your analogy was horribly wrong and your entire point flies in the face of why lemmy was designed to be the way it is.

And you have the nerve to complain about Reddit behavior? Dude, what you’re suggesting is EXACTLY why people left Reddit. You’re trying to strongarm someone into taking what they spent their time and effort on and force them to make it the way YOU want it to be.

Either get your head out of your ass, or go make your own instance where you can rule it exactly as you want it to be.

Dude, you sound like an absolute fool of a tool.

Learn how to have an adult conversation without insults. Maybe look up ad hominem attacks and why people do them. It's because they have weak arguments so they attack the person instead. Just. Like. You.

Lol except I'm not even arguing with you, so there is no stance or point to speak on at all, I'm just making an observation. Holy hell, if you fell that flat on your face with this I can't even begin to imagine how you got such a big ego.

Ahhh. So flat-out insulting people for no reason other than, “I have absolutely nothing to add to the discussion, but I don’t like what you say- so here’s some insults!” is completely fine.

My god you’re a cringe-fest of embarrassment. You might have wanted to think before you white-knighted your way into a conversation you weren’t even a part of.

No, there was a reason, but nice swing and a miss.

What happened man, you seem so upset. You were so into insulting people before, what happened man?

I feel having a functioning brain gives me too much of an advantage here so I’m going to bow out of this discussion and wish you the best of luck. Post-op lobotomies can be a bitch from what I understand. Good luck with that.

Oh no, don't run away. All I did was ask a question. If you feel so small that you need to run away after one question then you might wanna not throw stones. Glass house and all kid.