Is turn into authoritarian?

Lee to – 376 points –

I just realised, I can't post anything on

So, I checked, there's a new moderator.

All posts and comments talking about China, Jinping, Russia, and Putin have been deleted and users banned


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Stopped reading at the insult. Not interested in trading insults.

And before you claim I called you a coward, I did not. I said you would take the cowardly option in the case I was mentioning.

I am not interested in Reddit behavior. You can either talk to me like you would if we were face to face, where you know you would not be hurling insults, or I can just block you. Your choice.

I can see why they banned you lol

No one banned me from anywhere. I never said I was banned. Where do you get that I was banned?

These people just wanna bash someone and be contrarian to feel better about themselves, logic doesn't work man.

If you don’t want to have your intelligence insulted, try showing some. Your analogy was horribly wrong and your entire point flies in the face of why lemmy was designed to be the way it is.

And you have the nerve to complain about Reddit behavior? Dude, what you’re suggesting is EXACTLY why people left Reddit. You’re trying to strongarm someone into taking what they spent their time and effort on and force them to make it the way YOU want it to be.

Either get your head out of your ass, or go make your own instance where you can rule it exactly as you want it to be.