Resident Evil 4 Mobile Will Cost $60 to – 74 points –
Resident Evil 4 Remake's iPhone 15 Pro Version Will Cost $60, App Store Listing Reveals - IGN

Yeah, no.


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Yep. Apple is definitely going to attempt to get into the gaming console business again

Pippin 2!

Ha ha good one!

All kidding aside, I’d say it will be an Apple TV refresh or spinoff from Apple TV to focus on microconsole gaming

I mean isn’t RE4 VR coming soon? Great candidate for the Apple VR headset (that I have seen no one irl have)

Great candidate for the Apple VR headset (that I have seen no one irl have)

It's not released yet. And it doesn't have controllers. I doubt that it would be usable for classic VR gaming.

If you're in the eco-system, the idea that you can play a game on your phone, pick it up on the TV at home, then at your deck on the Mac at the weekend is pretty sweet. I can't see them making a high end console though, those tend to be money syncs and are going to have smaller audiences as mobile & cloud grow acceptable performance for the mass market. This is why MS are making moves they are. They'll support the home console for a while as they can't lose the legacy Xbox audience, but I think sometime next decade they may make Gamepass/Xbox store a multiformat service and phase out dedicated hardware.

Including right now, they have yet to prove that they know how to be competitive in the gaming space.