Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music to – 436 points –
Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music | TechCrunch

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Well fuck me, why? Why oh why? It's such a clean and simple app, no weird shit and of course it gets axed. I think I may just stop listening to podcasts then, much easier than switching to an app I have no interest in.

I've been using Pocket Casts for years. Works great.

I was having some problems with Google podcasts (which I used for years) and switched to Pocket Casts. It's been great other than some kind of clunky bits when trying to add to/edit your play-next queue, but otherwise I think it's a pretty great transition from Google

Yeah the queue is a bit unintuitive. Mostly I just set it to play the next episode of the same podcast.

PodcastAddict is my go-to, with the caveat that it's absolutely chock full of nerd knobs.

To copy Spotify?

Or to satiate the soul harvester at the Google Graveyard.