Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle to – 595 points –
Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle

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I get frustrated by average things, like the kids not closing cupboard doors or leaving their stuff everywhere. I have yet to run over anyone due to these average frustrations.

The person at the UAW picket was not dealing with average frustrations, they were a terrorist.

Terrorist? Really? That word has just lost all meaning huh

I dunno, the OED definition is: "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." The Unlawful violence was the act of running people over, they're car factory workers, so non military, ergo civilians, and they did it to against people expressing their opinion, which could be argued to be political as it regards the politics of CEOs compensation and the growing inequality of the world.

So yeah, terrorist.

He's talking about the secret meaning where conservative politics aren't politics so conservative terrorists can't be terrorists.

Touch grass

Can't touch grass, too busy breaking down doors and bear spraying cops at my peaceful protest over election integrity concerns. Maybe next week after I'm done trying to kidnap the governor of Michigan, but it might conflict with Yet Another Lone Wolf Mass Shooting so I can't commit to anything.

After all, like conservatives loudly and proudly said at CPAC, "We are all domestic terrorists."

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Jesus Christ. I often wonder why I'm still on Lemmy when I hear nonsense like this.

It's not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure

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