Netflix is planning to raise prices… again to – 1108 points –
Netflix is planning to raise prices... again

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You could go with YouTube if you want something on the background. Or just pirate the media buy BluRays and DVDs of the shows and movies you rewatch.

YouTube works for the other 6 hours of content I’m playing in the background. Netflix having long tv series keeps me on the platform cause where else am I going to find 20 seasons of one show easily accessible


I have no idea what that is, but I’m not interested in piracy. It’s just not something I want to deal with.

I respect your choice, but I wish you luck in your endeavor of getting continuously fucked

Nah, if he sticks with it long enough streaming will collapse and a new market will give him plentiful media with a great user experience on the cheap.

Bets on how long he'll have to wait? Cable had a good fifty years...