Netflix is planning to raise prices… again to – 1108 points –
Netflix is planning to raise prices... again

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Might finally get me to cancel Netflix, but who am I kidding, I probably have 6+ hours of it playing in the background daily.

The problem I really have is the lack of 4k without buying a ton of extra screens. A single screen 4k plan would fix 99% of my complaints about pricing.

You could go with YouTube if you want something on the background. Or just pirate the media buy BluRays and DVDs of the shows and movies you rewatch.

YouTube works for the other 6 hours of content I’m playing in the background. Netflix having long tv series keeps me on the platform cause where else am I going to find 20 seasons of one show easily accessible


I have no idea what that is, but I’m not interested in piracy. It’s just not something I want to deal with.

I respect your choice, but I wish you luck in your endeavor of getting continuously fucked

Nah, if he sticks with it long enough streaming will collapse and a new market will give him plentiful media with a great user experience on the cheap.

Bets on how long he'll have to wait? Cable had a good fifty years...

5 bucks a month to a reputable VPN provider will get you access to more than you can ever watch.

Can’t use a VPN while gaming without a high possibility of bans. And I don’t care to pirate. It’s not something I’m interested in doing and takes more time/effort than I’m willing to put in for mindless entertainment.

You don't have to run everything through a VPN just your torrent client.

I just don’t care to pirate. I’d rather pay for content tbh.

For background content, I use either Pluto or Live TV on Plex.
It's kinda great that, as an older person, they're replaying all the same stuff what constantly being replayed when I was kid. And there's news and music, etc.

I cancelled my Netflix in 2018. I've signed back in for a single month three times over the past five years to catch up on things I've missed. I had a hard time finding much to watch over those three months.

Do those have Ads though? I guess I just assumed they did which is why I haven't bothered. I have a lifetime plex sub if it matters

Yep. It’s like regular tv. Maybe your definition of background content is different from mine. I don’t mind a few commercials.

Ahh ok thanks, appreciate the reply.

I think our definition is probably the same, I'm just very anti-ad, the idea of being continually manipulated to consume rubs my fur backwards. I'm fine paying for ad free though.

I’m very much with you on anti-manipulation and anti-consumerism but I grew up in a time before the internet and have little issue with an acceptable amount of appropriately paced ads for certain content for a given price.

I hear you, I'm Gen X so grew up on cable tv. But I was also a punk rocker as a kid. As I age I find myself increasingly realigning with the values of my youth lol

I moved to the $10 720p plan and haven't noticed the drip in resolution even once.

A huge amount of my watching is done on 55” 4k TVs where the resolution drop is incredibly noticeable. Even 1080p content looks like absolute shit on them most of the time.

If you watch in a web browser then there is no drop in quality cause the browser version only plays 720p