Man accidentally shot child while officiating wedding near Lincoln, deputy says to – 469 points –
Man accidentally shot child while officiating wedding near Lincoln, deputy says

A Texas man accidentally shot a child while officiating a wedding in Lancaster County on Saturday, the sheriff’s office says.

Chief Deputy Ben Houchin said deputies were sent to a wedding at Hillside Events near Denton on a report of a gunshot wound.

Deputies learned that 62-year-old Michael Gardner, the wedding’s officiant, fired a gun to get everyone’s attention.

“He was going to fire in the air, and as he did that, it slipped and went off,” Houchin said.

The gun was loaded with a blank that Gardner made with gunpowder and glue.


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who the fuck has guns at their wedding?


but this wasn't in texas

A Texas man accidentally shot a child while officiating a wedding in Lancaster County on Saturday, the sheriff’s office says.

Who the fuck uses a gun to get someone’s attention?

Track and field race officials.

But they use special starter pistols.

I heard it was Karl Marx's sister, Anya, who invented the starter pistol.

I'd wager he saw it in a movie and prepared a special blank, waiting for exactly the right moment to get their attention.

I would say Texans, but idiots is more apt.