Apple considered switching to DuckDuckGo from Google for Safari - Bloomberg News to – 1174 points –
Apple considered switching to DuckDuckGo from Google for Safari - Bloomberg News

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I tried to switch to DDG as my default search on iOS but my adblocker doesn’t block ads on it but it does on google, so I switched back

DDG has a built-in option to determine whether you want to see ads or not.

I tried to switch but the results were terrible. I ended up on bing which is still inferior to google but better than being google even if it is another behemoth data gathering company. At this point im just trying to stop centralizing who gets all my data don’t lest it’s a bit fragmented.

ddg gets its results from bing, I'd recommend startpage if you want google results while being privacy respecting.

DDG doesn't solely use Bing, though. From what I understand, it uses Bing + it's own crawler and algorithm so its results are almost always different than vanilla Bing.

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