Bing’s AI image generator tries to block ‘twin towers’ prompts, but it’s not working to – 136 points –
Bing’s AI image generator tries to block ‘twin towers’ prompts, but it’s not working

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The blocks the image generator comes up with are baffling.

Both of these were blocked for me:

"John Wayne kissing Ronald Reagan"

"Godzilla on line for Taylor Swift tickets"

I can almost understand the first one, but the second one? And no, it's not because they don't allow celebrities. I did another one with Bob Ross and there was no complaint.

Their filters are definitely more duct tape and paperclips than carefully planned out

Nicholas Cage at the grocery store? Watch your step motherfucker

Robert Downey Jnr solving a rubix cube? lol ok sure 😊😊😊😊

Maybe it's because Godzilla destroys buildings?

It didn't like trying to generate a picture of a female anime-style character that included waffles and spices. I dunno if waffles are maybe some sort of slang for something perverted but FFS we just wanted something with food

It has blocked Taylor Swift both times I tried including her in a prompt. I'd rather not keep trying that one.

The article did say they were blocking prompts with prominent names: "DALL-E 3 developer OpenAI had promised it would not generate pictures from prompts featuring prominent names."

You can technically generate deadmau5 by requesting it to make a mau5head.

Shit I just remembered, I asked for "a man hugging a virus" and it kept giving me generations that had text saying "LOVE IS THE CURE". So I asked it to make the virus really like Robert Smith from The Cure and that's how I got a celebrity generation.

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