Because PTSD isn’t a thing ? to Mildly – 41 points –

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Wow is this guy missing the point. Most of us who have PTSD are very happy that people have the right to do their foreworks

I feel like fireworks aren't covered by the 2nd amendment. I have spoken to plenty of veterans who were miserable when fireworks go off. They didn't go through hell to relive it. You act tough but it's not healthy.

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Most of us

[citation needed]

I'm glad it's not an issue for you out there and think it's mighty chill of you to put others before yourself in this regard. Cheers and raised glasses all around, genuinely. But it's also not really okay for you to speak for "most of" everyone who has PTSD and doesn't have a far-off farm to escape to. I've seen some people very close to me get incredibly messed up during impromptu neighborhood fireworks shows.

I have the right to drive up to your house, park on the side of the street, and blast "Baby Got Back" on a loop at 250 dB until the wee hours of the morning, but I don't do that. Because I'm not an asshole. And I'm already over-budget this year for public performance rights to songs about the buttocks. But mostly the former.

Someone else said it in another comment: Be a good neighbor - that's all we're asking.

You don't have the right to do that because almost everywhere has some kind of noise bylaw. Also, 194 dB is the maximum possible sound energy through air.

You absolutely don't have that right in any location where noise ordnance is on the books, which is most places.

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