Netflix got rid of the $9.99 basic plan in Canada to – 475 points –
​Netflix Canada Just Got Rid Of Its Cheapest Ad-Free Plan Without Even A Heads Up​

It's like they are trying to irritate people into canceling their accounts.

Imo, this one might actually be worse than the account sharing and cause people to quit. As soon as you have people messing around with their subscription version, it's all too easy to just say "nah, I actually don't want this anymore".


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I like how they keep testing this crap on the Canadian market.

I dont know if were the best guinea pigs, I mean look at what we pay for telecoms. We're pretty passive when it comes to being gouged, other countries might not be so potato-like in their response.

If the docile sheep up North don't go for it, then there's no way the slightly less docile sheep South will go for it.

We're pretty passive when it comes to being gouged

God, this is so painfully true.

| We're pretty passive when it comes to being gouged

Only if you include cell phone plans, internet access, air travel, housing, and food. Oh, and pet food.