Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war to – 431 points –

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Please tell me you’re being facetious, because radar has been in use for more than 80 years.

I believe that radar should be read as radar system. That is to say it was a new radar system that had not been fully learned yet not that radar as a concept was new.

80 years ago is the 1940's. But the report was ignored due to lack of training. The way I heard, it was due to radar being relatively new, untested, and thus untrusted.

I’m confused. When did this conversation divert to Pearl Harbor?

I think they responded to the wrong person. There's a pearl harbor tangent happening above this.

That would make the radar tech very old and likely you could not trust their work either.

Well by that logic, we should be really suspicious of tech like the wheel or the plow.

Which is why I have never used a plow before and never plan to.

Good. And I hope you don’t eat any food that contains ingredients that come from fields, or else you’re buying into big plow whether you like it or not.

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