Sanders calls Israel's siege on Gaza 'a serious violation of international law' to – 1248 points –
Sanders calls Israel's siege on Gaza 'a serious violation of international law'

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USA and rest of the Western world has enabled Israel for the last 70 years while the Palestinians have been systematically disenfranchised and radicalized. No one put in geniune effort to de-escalate this situation and now shit has hit the fan.

Are you a bot? Because you have your account set as one.

Hamas: murders a thousand I Innocent people, rapes a bunch of women (and by that I include girls), and murders a bunch of babies

Leftists: Well that's what they get for existing where they were existing.

Yeah that's exactly what they said...

If you're supporting Hamas you are evil. I don't have any interest in any nuance in this situation. They are terrorists that use human shields. There's nothing you can say that makes that ok, full stop. You are one of the evil people if you agree with Hamas.

The thing is that you're saying a bunch of people support Hamas when they obviously don't.

The IDF is dropping white phosphorus on children's hospitals, a blatant display of cruelty that makes no pretense of being necessary to fight Hamas. As evil as Hamas is, and I'm not downplaying that at all, the Israeli government is worse.