Dad strips down at school board meeting to make ‘clear argument’ about dress code to Not The – 312 points –
Dad strips down at school board meeting to make ‘clear argument’ about dress code

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“As a board we voted to ultimately let parents and families decide what is appropriate for them. It is the parents and family’s choice and as long as it doesn’t disrupt the school day, it would be a non-issue.”

I was not expecting this level of common sense from an Arizona school board. Good on them.

Small government conservatives: "get the government and all its "rules" out of our lives!"

School board: "you're right, each family should decide what schoolwear is appropriate and I guess people will have to manage themselves and their own reputation.."

Small government conservatives: "no not like that!"

Gilbert, AZ also has an incredibly high Mormon population. The Mormon churches (or whatever they call the smaller satellite buildings that aren't temples) are like Starbucks, one on nearly every corner. This must not be one of their school boards.

To be fair though, it's also a very safe, clean, and well maintained suburb. Probably the overall best family friendly city in the entire Phoenix metro.

The Mormon churches (or whatever they call the smaller satellite buildings that aren’t temples)

They're called a chapel building or chapels, of which 2-4 congregations (named wards) share. And then a collection of wards are organized into a stake, and they share a bigger building named a stake center for periodic meetings and events together.

And just a heads up, the current "Mormon" prophet has decreed that the moniker "Mormon" has fallen out of favor, and instead should be called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", the full name (there's some shorter names in that link). So if you see people down voting you, it's probably due to that.

So it's not longer the "Mormon prophet", it's the "the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". And it's no longer "he's a Mormon", it's "he's a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". And it's no longer the "Mormon missionaries", it's "a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints".

I think that's silly, and I believe once there's a new prophet again, the word "Mormon" will be ok. But I guess time will tell!

Fuck any of the assholes downvoting you, that was a good response, and thanks. I knew they were called something else, but I couldn't remember what.

As far the LDS vs Mormon, I'm aware, but unfortunately the Missionaries don't come to my house anymore to talk about the prophet, or anything else. They used to come, like alot, like all the time, it was kinda odd. But when I started providing them copies of Letter to a CES Director, well, they havent been back in years.

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