Thousands of Jewish Americans and Allies Demand Cease-Fire in Gaza to politics – 612 points –
Thousands of Jewish Americans and Allies Demand Cease-Fire in Gaza

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You're here supporting terrorists who explicitly call for the extermination of the Jewish people. You're holding Israel to a standard you refuse to hold others in the region too. They're stuck in the sandbox with terrorists, they're just playing by the same rules they're being subjected to.

wait, aren't you doing the same thing, considering the Jewish power party were a bunch of anti-arab terrorists before they got voted into office?

I'm not supporting the Israeli government, I'm supporting Israelis right to live in Peace. Prior to last week, I was one of that governments vocal critics. Now, like so many around the world, we can see the existential threat against the people of that country and I fully support the elimination of Hamas.

Once that's done, and while it's happening I can still champion the exiting of the West Bank and the promotion of a two state solution.

Hamas needs to be removed for Palestinians to have Peace. Their purpose as clearly laid out in their founding Charter is the destruction of the Jewish people, which means the destruction of the state of Israel which makes it pretty difficult to get a Peace deal in place.

so it's fine for apartheid Israel to run an open air prison and support Hamas to weaken the PA's push towards a 2-state solution for YEARS, but the second it backfires and there are Israeli deaths, then you need to take sides because suddenly the side with power actually experienced the reality of the ethnic conflict they have been pushing

The wall was installed after the last round of terrorism, cutting it by 90+%.

Hamas is responsible for the isolation. They go, the isolation can be lifted.

Israel has the right to defend itself, how they do that I can question. Now that their enemies have started a war, I'm adjusting my attitude to suit.

Really easy way to save Palestinian lives? Hand over the hostages.

do you really think that handing over the hostages will not have the IDF kill a fuck ton of Palestinians?

Yes. History shows us that they will continue to bomb until they get their people back.

nah, history shows that they will keep bombing Gaza until the imaginary blood price has been paid.

You clearly don't understand the history of the region. Israel has given back the Golan to the Lebanese, the Sinai to the Egyptians and Gaza to the Palestinians.

If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. If you fuck with them, they've shown they will grind your bones into dust indistinguishable from the rubble of the buildings you're hiding your missiles in.

That's what history tells us. Hamas is about to get a history lesson.

your not very good with history are you?

Golan, considered Syrian under Israeli occupation by everyone but the USA (and that only during trumps presidency)

Sinai, forced peaceful withdrawal by American and Various European nations to open up the Suez

Gaza, an open air concentration camp

Are you trying to claim Israel hasn't given back lands they captured while being attacked in the Golan and Sinai?

Just want to be clear about this.

so, again: Golan: under Israeli occupation right now, this very second, as i type this comment.

Sinai: Israel was forced to give this land back by an international coalition that threatened to send their own military to do it instead, this was the solution to the Suez Crisis and ironically one of the few things the USA and the Soviets actually did together, thwarting the French and British neocolonial aims for Africa.

Now aside from that, you seem to have a different definition of "being attacked", you see I don't view the side that strikes first as "being attacked" but rather "attacking", I know this is a common myth spread by American conservative groups and think tanks like PraugerU, but it's just factually incorrect, just like your assertion about Golan.

So you're admitting to redefining terms based on how they benefit you. That you're trying to position Israel being attacked by five different countries at the same time as if Israel's the aggressor really puts a point on your anti-semitism. Israel didn't throw the first punch there, or in the yk war. The record is clear on those fronts.

Israel gave backland in the Golan. They've maintained a position there for their defense which has proven to be necessary and valuable over the past 75 years. That doesn't negate the fact that they gave backland in the Golan. Egypt lost the war. Israel held the land and gave it back. That proves they will give back land in order to move the peace process forward. Your blind Jew hate makes you unable to admit this reality.

You're really working hard to spin facts in an anti-semitic way. You've admitted that you will redefine reality to suit your purposes and you've demonstrated that you have no issues doing it. Different definitions, alternative facts, it's all just lies dude.

All we have here is you lying and spreading propaganda. At least we have you're admitting to it though.

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I'm supporting the two million Palestinian children that Israel has not only stolen the future of, but also kills and maims on a regular basis. I hold Israel to a higher standard than Hamas because Israel has the power and my tax dollars. Hamas is largely a problem of Israel's own creation. I don't just mean through their crimes they've created animus. They have directly funded Hamas and helped destroy their opposition in Gaza. Really, stop conflating Israel with the Jewish ethnicity and Judaism. It's a really sorry attempt to hide behind the antisemitic claim to escape being called out for crimes against humanity.

Interesting how 2 million Arabs can live peacefully in Israel without fear of daily violence. The 2 million Arabs living in Gaza under Hamas' control, though that's another story, isn't it.

If you are on the side of the Palestinian children, then you would be in favor of Israel taking complete control of the territory. That's how those children will be safe. You don't actually care about those kids though. If you did, you wouldn't be so fucking ignorant about this.

I'm ignorant? Let Israel, the government who is on record calling all Palestinians animals and stating there are no innocents in Palestine, take over is best for those kids? You're just a supporter of genocide, point blank.

Israel is actively bombing truck loads of women and children taking the so-called "safe route" out of Gaza City. Israelis are forcing Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem, building illegal settlements, and launching terror attacks from said settlements to further encroach on the Palestinians.

Genocide is fucking ignorant and disgusting.

You clearly don't understand what the term genocide means. As noted, there are millions of Arabs living peacefully in Israel. Palestine has a growing population not a diminishing one. Terrorism is being suppressed. There is no genocide.

The corridor was struck by missiles... smaller than Israel uses. Unless you're only reading Al Jazeera then you should be seeing the pictures showing the wreckage that bomb experts are saying is potentially Hamas caused. That's exactly the sort of thing that they're known to do in order to drum up PR. You fell for it. I agree. Genocide is ignorant and disgusting. Hamas' founding charter calls for the genocide of Jews. Interesting how you ignore that. Only one side here is calling for the murder of the other one.

Genocide doesn't have to be completed before you call it genocide. Also, only 24% of the Palestinians in Israeli territory have the right to vote. Additionally, only 64% of the people directly under the control of the Israeli government have the right to vote, the majority of those excluded being Palestinian. So don't give me that shit about "living peacefully," Israel is a goddamn apartheid state.

Israeli officials in the government and the IDF are calling for the genocide of the Palestinians, you're the one ignoring this fact. And again, Israel actually had the ability to carry this out.

I swear, far right zealots like yourself are exhausting, regardless of which flavor you come in.

You're redefining the term to suit your narrative. The population is growing, it's growing faster than it's regional neighbors.

I'm not ignoring the awful comments coming from the victims of terrorism. They're going to destroy their enemies, and they're going to treat them the same way they have been and would be treated. After last week, they've shown there's no other option.

You're holding them to different standards which among you left wing Anti Semites is standard practice. Of course it's exhausting excusing terrorists like you've been doing. I can't imagine being emotionally and intellectually broken enough to do what you do.

All you have is personal attacks, excuses for crimes against humanity by a apartheid religious ethnostate, and outright ignoring legitimate criticism. I'm not an antisemite or racist of any flavor, but you? You're an absolute racist and the worst humanity has to offer. But your behavior is typical of fascists: playing the victim and declaring the enemy to be both overwhelmingly powerful and simultaneously weak as well as subhuman. You are absolutely disgusting.

There's nothing personal about this, you're a bigot. You're holding two groups to different standards and the only difference is one of those groups is Jewish.

You're a disgusting Anti Semite, and the worst part is that you're so blind to it you think you're actually doing good by spreading your bullshit.

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