Tlaib refuses to apologize for blaming Israel for Gaza hospital blast, attacks Biden to politics – 339 points –
Tlaib refuses to apologize for blaming Israel for Gaza hospital blast, attacks Biden

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib refused to apologize Wednesday for saying on Tuesday that Israel is to blame for the hospital explosion that day in Gaza, an accusation that sparked political backlash against her from Republicans as Israel denies fault.

Tlaib joined thousands of protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during a solidarity rally hosted by the left-leaning group Jewish Voice for Peace at the National Mall. She was visibly emotional, at times pausing her speech to openly weep and criticizing lawmakers who have not backed a ceasefire resolution.


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There's no reason to apologize, if Isreal is so adamant to prove it's innocence let an international investigation open. But they won't because like for the killing of the journalist Shereen AbuAkleh they are guilty.

There's a link above to NPR with the (Al Jazeera?) footage of the missile failing and part of it hitting the parking lot

Then why lie to strengthen your cause if it is already justifiable without the facts being known?

The ones that have a long track records of lies and deceit are Israeli and US government. History is the witness. I don't need to strengthen the case I want the end of civilians murder, humanitarian aids and international investigation on war crimes such as this.

Oh, because Hamas never lies or murders civilians!


Hamas is a terrorist organization born from Israeli apartheid and genocide.

Is there a reason you choose to believe their story about the hospital explosion? Have they presented any evidence at all?

I take no stance on the hospital bombing, from what I've seen it seems like it was a group called Islamic Jihad

Ah, I thought I was still replying to the OP of this thread. It probably was PIJ, but the only party that originally asserted it was Israel was Hamas, so people piggybacking off Hamas's story and running with it rather than looking at any of the evidence is a real problem.

I think people are just fearing the worst of the Israeli retaliation, honestly its not outlandish to me for Israel to bomb a hospital so I can see why people jumped to conclusions.

So people are biased into thinking Israel would kill hundreds of civilians in one shot just because it wanted to, yourself included, and after seeing all the evidence point to the opposite, you're just saying "oh well, they're still just as evil as they clearly aren't?"

I bet you also assume, apropos of no evidence, that Israel did bomb the Rafah crossing, even though Israel keeps telling Palestinians to go evacuate south, and Egypt, Jordan, Hamas, and PIJ all keep telling them not to. The media moved on bare accusations from Arab parties, but can't cite any evidence or reason for the claim.

Damn I wonder why people would be biased against an apartheid state participating in ethnic cleansing aka genocide.

Also i never said anything about any of those specific incidents you are referring to.

Damn I wonder why people would be biased against an apartheid state participating in ethnic cleansing aka genocide.

I more wonder why people are so willing to believe that a border between nations is a form of apartheid, or that genocide is what it's called when populations skyrocket.

But you'd rather believe an organization that calls for global genocide in its founding charter, proactively forbids any kind of peace, and acts accordingly, huh? You'd rather believe them when they have no evidence? You'd rather believe them when they post videos of themselves massacring civilians and then go on TV the next day saying "we didn't target any civilians, that's just propaganda."

Also i never said anything about any of those specific incidents you are referring to.

this whole thread is about the hospital explosion.

You keep putting words in my mouth, all ive ever said is that Israel is an apartheid state, and that Israel is commiting genocide. I never said shit about supporting hamas or whatever other bullshit you're saying. Israel is an apartheid state, apartheid is never justified, apartheid states reap what they sow.

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There's a good essay on The Atlantic by a former AP reporter on how the press fails to counter Hamas strongarming them to give them a pass their failures in Gaza. Walking into the office armed to make them pull articles about misfires killing civilians and such. Rest assured that the 'history' you've seen is heavily colored by the Palestinian side as well, and perhaps even more.

This is actually an interesting point worth consideration. For all the talk of the propaganda and lying and manipulation, we often don't apply similar scrutiny to Hamas nor question their numbers.

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Israel has shared a whole lot of its intelligence publicly. The explosion occurred in Gaza, wouldn't it be on Hamas to allow an investigation?

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