How young Argentines might put a far-right libertarian into power to World – 150 points –
How young — yes, young — Argentines might put a far-right libertarian into power

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Argentina: "We're not fucked enough at the moment. Let's get even more fucked!"

We don’t like the candidates by the traditional parties. Let’s yolo it! :P

Well when things aren't going well, people vote far rights, the have the simple answers. People love simple solutions for complex problems.

Doesn't even require things to be universally bad. As long as there's substantial apathy about the status quo and enlightened centrists going on about "both parties being the same", the far right just needs a few disaffected groups.

Maybe research Argentina before assuming liberal = bad hurr durr. We've been literally turned into another Venezuela by the current governing party that has been in power something like 20 of the last 28 years

Maybe research liberal before you mix it up with libertarian.

Republican Proposal is a Center-right liberal party

La Libertad Avanza is a libertarian party aka Neo-Nazis.

libertarian party aka Neo-Nazis.

That's not an "also known as". Both libertarians and Neo-Nazis are usually found on the right side of the political spectrum and their membership may overlap/parties may support both ideologies, but they're not the same.