Valve is now reversing VAC bans due to AMD drivers in CS2, according to patch notes

Carighan to – 444 points –
Counter-Strike 2 - Release Notes for 10/19/2023 - Steam News

Recently there was a thing where VAC would erroneously flag AMD's antilag+ feature as cheating, and issue a ban.

AMD then quickly disabled the feature by default but now Valve also patched detection for it and is now, at least according to these patch notes, reversing the bans.


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I think a VAC ban only bans you from that one game, at most from other games with VAC. I got VAC banned in modern warfare 2 10+ years ago, but it hasn't had an impact on my account/other games. More than a notice on my profile that it happened.

... just to add, the ban was justified. I went into a game and just held down the shoot button with a plethora of cheats on to see what it was like. It took all the fun out of it and cost me a game I liked. Not recommended. : )

Yeah, nowadays I think it only affects that game, but older valve titles handed out instant bans on othet titles that used the same engine.

Cheating in one of the following Source games or a Source mod will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list below: Counter-Strike: Source Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Day of Defeat: Source Team Fortress 2

Similarly, cheating in one of the following Gold Source games will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list below:

Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Ricochet Day of Defeat Team Fortress Classic Half-Life: Deathmatch Deathmatch Classic

Depends on the game iirc. If you get banned in a Valve game, you don't get to play multiplayer in any Valve game.

It's more complicated than that, VAC bans are tied to the version of game engine used. So a VAC ban in Counter Strike Source would have also banned you from TF2, DoDS, and HL2DM, and nothing else. This also means that VAC bans from CSGO don't affect any other games (except CS2 which is technically the same game)

If there is a VAC ban on your account that people can look up servers on other games might ban you as well.

Sure, there's a possibility. But since it hasn't happened in 10+ years I doubt it's a problem.

My friend can't play Hell Let Loose because of a game ban on a completely different game. Different anticheat, and different publisher. So. I would be shocked if a VAC ban wouldn't cause the same issues.