Causualties Israel-Palestine 10/24/23: Gaza 5791 dead, 16297 wounded, Israel 1405 dead, 5431 wounded. to World – 118 points –
Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live Tracker

Here are the latest casualty figures as of October 24, 2.40pm local time (11:40 GMT):


Killed: At least 5,791

Including at least:

2,360 children

1,292 women

Injured: More than 16,297

Occupied West Bank

Killed: At least 96

Injured: At least 1,828


Killed: At least 1,405

Injured: At least 5,431


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Aljazeera fails to mention that using civilian infrastructure as military installations is a warcrime and that those are legitimate war targets, therefore all those numbers are actually on Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Also huge doubt on the actual numbers themselves since it is, well, Aljazeera. Might as well listen to RT.

Buddy, they live in an incredibly densely populated open-air prison. There's no option of using "military infrastructure" when it's incapable of existing in Gaza.

Also huge doubt on the actual numbers themselves since it is, well, Aljazeera. Might as well listen to RT.


Al Jazeera:

... Officials of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party ... accused Al-Jazeera of bias toward Hamas (with which it is at political loggerheads), and Fatah official Mohammed Dahlan sued the broadcaster. ... On 15 July of that year [2009], the Palestinian National Authority (PA) closed down Al Jazeera's offices in the West Bank in an apparent response to claims made on the channel by Farouk Kaddoumi that PA president Mahmoud Abbas had been involved in the death of Yasser Arafat. The Palestinian Information Ministry called the organization's coverage "unbalanced" and accused it of incitement against the PLO and the PA. ... Al Jazeera reporters and anchors in London, Paris, Moscow, Beirut and Cairo have resigned. Ali Hashem, the organization's Shia Beirut correspondent, resigned after leaked emails publicized his discontent with Al Jazeera's "unprofessional" and biased coverage of the Syrian civil war at the expense of the 2011 Bahraini uprising. Since the Bahrain government was supported by the Gulf Cooperation Council (of which Qatar is a member), the protests were given less prominence than the Syrian conflict on the network. Longtime Berlin correspondent Aktham Suliman left in late 2012, saying that he felt he was no longer allowed to work as an independent journalist ... Al Jazeera faced criticism from Bangladeshi human rights activists ...accused of downplaying the 1971 Bangladesh genocide, in which Islamist militias assisted the Pakistan Army in targeting Bengalis ... demanded a ban on Al Jazeera transmission within Bangladesh citing similar bans in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan and the UAE.

... Critics say in past years, Al-Jazeera — particularly its flagship Arabic channel — has reflected Qatari policy by promoting Islamist movements. Many of the region’s Arab rulers, particularly in Egypt and the UAE, see the Muslim Brotherhood group and its offshoots as a top threat. ... Al-Jazeera’s English and Arabic channels, as well as its news websites and its popular online AJ+ videos, do not mirror one another in style and target different audiences.


Qatar’s dalliance with Islamist groups has long been the primary means for Doha to project influence in the Arab world, particularly through state support for Al Jazeera Arabic. After 2011, Qatar came to believe, and Al Jazeera Arabic confidently predicted, that a wave of Islamist governance would sweep in with new Arab democracies. Instead, the elected Brotherhood government in Egypt proved even more unpopular than the Hosni Mubarak dictatorship ... With the Brotherhood’s decline in prestige and power, Qatar’s bet has yielded precious few returns. And now Hamas’s disastrous rebranding in Western eyes could well force a reckoning with Doha’s irresponsible strategy.

Al Jazeera is propaganda

lol Interesting claim from someone doing their own selective editing. Your second link is dead so I couldn't follow it but the third link... why did you cut it right before

At the same time, Qatar has long been a key U.S. partner in the Middle East.

Thanks for the headsup on the dead link. I've replaced it with an archived link.

Obviously I'm not going to argue the US isn't hypocritical in its dealings with Qatar. You can also look forward to Europe doing exactly nothing, because they rely on Qatari gas.

But if you think it's damning that Qatar has close ties to the US, you should probably read this:

That's the thing with people who spread pro-Islamist coverage, including stuff from al-Jazeera.

For years Hamas was supported by key players in Israel. A strong Hamas helped to sow division in the Palestinian cause, undermining the two state solution. People who support Hamas, and/or push pro-Islamist media, are arguably helping support the continued oppression of the Palestinian people.

Netenyahu and the Jewish supremacists in his government, certainly weren't too dissapointed by this recent Hamas attack. They have their excuse now. Thanks to Hamas and media like Al-Jazeera who support them.

You think it’s damning that Qatar has close ties to the US?

No, the opposite.

... I had to go back because I didn't understand your response in context. I reread your original comment and I think I misunderstood you.

Not really sure where to go from here. I don't think Al Jazeera is nearly as bad as RT. Is AJ propaganda? Yeah, in the same way WSJ is. Everybody has a bias but I've never seen AJ bend the truth like Fox or NY Post.

Quatar is a key partner because they have a position that allows for negotiations and are not as fundamentally extremist as many other countries in the region

Hamas leaders are living in quatar though without Quatar having any problem with that - they are basically Switzerland in the middle east.

And Al-Jazeera reported stuff directly from official sources from Palestine which happened to be exaggerated Hamas propaganda all the time - I'd say it's a bit less one-sided than RT since they usually include other views as well but it's still extremely biased reporting for issues regarding the conflict

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