Bethesda revealed Elder Scrolls 6 early due to "pitchforks and torches" from fans

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 155 points –
Bethesda revealed Elder Scrolls 6 early due to "pitchforks and torches" from fans

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And yet every asswipe with an internet is whining about how Starfield is too much like Bethesda's other stuff.

So are they getting too far away, or are they doing the same thing?

Get with the other dinks and figure it out.

"Hey entire internet, get on the same page already!"

I hate it when anyone whatsoever disagrees with anything, no matter how unimportant.

Such incompatible opinions are indicative that one or both camps are full of shit.

Dude what the fuck are you taking about?

They are talking about asswipes having "an internet". Didn't know this was possible. They are clearly well informed.

Huh? Chill dude, no need to call names. People are allowed to have their own opinions on a piece of media. I can assure you I'm not part of some kind of Starfield-hating cabal. I just didn't like it. Sorry.

Have a peek at their comment history. They're either a troll or an instigator. I blocked them. There's enough of that shit on reddit.

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It all depends on how old you are basically. It shares more blood with Skyrim than it does Oblivion or Morrowind. It's also procedural, like Daggerfall and Arena, but done poorly. Those had procedural dungeons, while Starfield every dungeon is the same and it's only the boring open world that changes.

It's like their other stuff, but in most of the wrong ways in my opinion. Its got the (lack of) dialog options from FO4... I was going to point out things from other games, but the rest is all generic and applies to all of the modern ones.

It lacks the player control and agency from Morrowind or earlier that personally I'm looking for. I hope with the success of BG3 they realize they can give players freedom and options and they'll appreciate it.

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