Telegram has blocked Hamas channels on Android because Google forced it to to World – 189 points –
Telegram has blocked Hamas channels on Android because Google forced it to

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Title is a bit misleading. Those channels are not blocked on Android in general, but only on the play store version of telegram. Download from F-Droid instead and that's that.

I think I can do without terrorist channels.

It's the principal of the matter.

Do you feel the same about Nazi channels?

Yes. Same cunts

You'd be upset if Nazi accounts were banned?

No, of course not? Did I get the question wrong?

Someone said they were okay with these accounts being banned. You replying "it's the principle of the matter" made it sound like you were disagreeing with those bans in free speech or anti-"corporate" censorship like many other commenters were saying. So I asked if you were okay with them banning Nazi accounts, which you agreed with so maybe I misunderstood?

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