Gaza hospitals ceasing to function as water and fuel run out to World – 759 points –
Gaza hospitals ceasing to function as water and fuel run out

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Bloodiest assault in history? You have to be joking.

Uhh yeah? This is the bloodiest attack Palestine has ever done against Israel. Are you stunned? 😂

Forget the tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians that Israel has killed. Those don't matter at all in the context of your very well thought out point.

Moved the goalposts and you're still wrong.

I'm demonstrably right though 😂

Wrong and ratio'd

Being one of the only lefties with common sense, I get ratio'd quite often. But I don't need fake points from imaginary online friends to feel good about myself 😂

"Everyone I meet is an asshole"

Aww you're even downvoting my comments 😂

Wasn't me.

But it stopped when I mentioned it. How peculiar 🤔🤣

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