Petition Calls on Microsoft to Extend Windows 10 Support | PCMag to – 479 points –
Petition Calls on Microsoft to Extend Windows 10 Support

I'm all for it.


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Screw MS, go Mac? Why go from questionable closed source software to questionable closed software and hardware?

I also said Linux (my personal preference since … way back).

I use both Windows and Linux. Despite the "user-centric" experience MacOS only annoys me. I wonder if it's Apple's autism (do stuff our way) clashing with mine.

At least Mac's are a user-centric experience. You pay an absurd premium for pretty good-but-overpriced hardware and the software is designed to give you a good experience with limited choices. Windows actively antagonizes users with ads while charging users for the pleasure, and now they want to add a subscription fee!

What even is the value proposition for Windows these days beyond "it's what you're used to". And even that is less true than ever.

If people are bitching about their OS being shit canned after 10 years, how are they gonna feel about the 3 year turn around on Mac?