The Big Lie is expanding: Majority of Republicans now insist Trump never tried to overturn election to politics – 640 points –
The Big Lie is expanding: Majority of Republicans now insist Trump never tried to overturn election

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You didn't see any of the SNC lavalin stuff did you?

What about his black face costume?

How about the law to make social media companies pay news outlets for having their articles shared on those platforms, then producing radio ads saying "meta and google are blocking your news!!"

How about freezing the bank accounts of nonviolent protestors and anyone who supported them

He shrugs all of that off, and goes by that narcissistic prayer. I'm not sure why anyone is defending this guy lol, is it just because he's affiliated with the liberal party?

He just recently had to pull back his over priced carbon tax because we're all too broke. This plan literally only hurts the poor classes.

god forbid we stop this left vs right nonsense and come together

He froze the bank accounts of the freedom convoy because the fundraiser was organized by a white supremicist and someone who wants western Canada to secede. Like literal racist traitors. They arrested members of diagalon during that time, who had staged weapons near coutts.

But Trudeau wore a shitty costume one time so samesies.

We can’t stop this “right vs left nonsense” because the right is trying to exclude from society anyone who isn’t a straight Christian, and are gathering momentum so quickly and deftly people like you don’t even see it because of how removed from reality the right wing information ecosystems are.

Tamara lich/Chris Barber are white supremacists? How'd you come to that conclusion? Or are you confusing 2 different groups?

Yes you're right about those politicians on the right trying to exclude people - the Christian nationalists in the US are horrible, so much for separation from state and church

Pat King was the biggest leader of the convoy, he is for sure a white supremicist per his own recorded words.

And why let Tamara collect money to basically fund a civil war?

In the Canadian govs eyes, he's not the leader.

Tamara and Chris are in court right now for charges about leading the convoy.

You let protestors, protest. Especially when it's not violent. The only injuries sustained in this protest were given to an old lady vs a police horse. You can't just throw the money on the street - someone has to organize it.

Why do you want the government to have so much control?

Pat king isn’t facing charges related to his leadership role in the convoy? Coulda sworn he had a court date the same day as Chris and Tamara’s a while back.

Anyway. I’m not in favor of people protesting to end my right to exist in a country, or dividing a country so they can have a place for “real Canadians”. That should be illegal, because once protests get enough momentum they can enact laws to enshrine their ethnostate.

I’m sorry you’re naive enough not to see this. Protesting is a tool for open societies, those who want to destroy such open societies should not have access to the tools to dismantle it, for then the society will cease to be open.

I'm glad it's not you that gets to gate keep protests then.

They were protesting to stop the ridiculous mandates the government imposed with little to no scientific reasoning. Stop pretending this is some racist issue.

Ask some racist and non racist people if they believe vaccines work, you’ll get an interesting diagram.

What the two movements have in common is the absolute willfull ignorance of scientific evidence contrary to their views.

The “Medical Freedom” crowd is dangerous both for the stupidity of their “cause” and the unexpectedly effective camouflage they provide for other right wing racist bullshit.

If you think stupidity lives only on one end of the political spectrum, you're going to be in for a bad time. Every group has their rednecks.

Willful ignorance exists heavily on both sides too. There was some willful ignorance about how effective the covid vaccine was when the government started mandating it everywhere they could.

Now that a huge portion of our population received the never-used-before (and rushed) vaccine, we know it's not that effective. Hopefully this story ends here. The fact that this became very political should've been a huge red flag to everyone.

Here's some references for you if your unsure where I'm getting this "effectiveness" data from:

The "medical freedom" crowd, in this instance, were ensuring the government doesn't over step, as it likes to do.

If we'd stop with this tribalistic bullshit we could hold our governments more accountable and have them be more transparent. But we're a divided mess - we won't be able to do anything good until we find our middle ground.

Once we do, then no more Trumps, no more Trudeaus, just public servants doing what public servants should.

Nobody has a monopoly on stupidity, but the right is pretty close to an anti-trust lawsuit.

You put "effectiveness" in quotes because you have come to believe the vaccines aren't effective. You pump "natural immunity" because your information sources told you the vaccines are dangerous, while ignoring that the health risks of getting that natural immunity is way higher without a vaccine than with.

Letting the virus burn through the population to acquire immunity is how we get Spanish Flu numbers. It’s inhumane and dangerous to the fabric of society. Catching covid after vaccination is the far superior option.

The vaccines kept people out of hospitals, prevented many infections, and newer studies are confirming with high certainty now that they reduced transmission:

Initial VET of booster-vaccination (mRNA primary and booster-vaccination) was 87% (95%CI 86–89) against Delta and 68% (95%CI 65–70) against Omicron. The VET-estimate against Delta and Omicron decreased to 71% (95%CI 64–78) and 55% (95%CI 46–62) respectively, 150–200 days after booster-vaccination. Hybrid immunity, defined as vaccination and documented prior infection, was associated with durable and higher or comparable (by number of antigen exposures) protection against transmission.,contact%20completed%20BNT162b2%20primary%2Dvaccination.

What part of these findings show a lack of effectiveness?

There is a long history of governments enforcing vaccines, and it's because individual freedoms DO NOT trump the wellbeing of the country at large. People complained about freedom when they banned indoor smoking and enforced seatbelts too. Same stupid shit from stupid children.

But it's ok, throw your lot in with stupid racist plague rats who are afraid of proven, tested, effective vaccine.

Keep consuming media so warped that you actually think Trudeau is anywhere near as dangerous as Trump.

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We'll never come together when morons like you believe the lies PP and rebel news is feeding you. By the looks of it, you've got a subscription to the Conservative Propaganda Newsletter and swallowed it whole.

I've never supported or mentioned PP, I'm not sure where you're drawing that from.

The dudes a career politician - that's not far from being a salesperson your whole life. It's debatable which is worse though, a career politician or a trust fund drama teacher lol

Don't resort to name calling though, makes you seem unintelligent

You don't have to say his name when his jizz is dripping from your chin. You're working from his playbook which is Harper's hand book but if you're not smart enough to understand who's manipulated into your retarded pigeon hole, I am not surprised.

Name calling isn't what makes someone unintelligent. Supporting bigoted regressive policies, along with supporting the anti science movement is what exposes people as unintelligent.

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