No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? to Ask – 532 points –

I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics.

Why did Trump not withdraw?

Also why isn't he a senator or congressman during Biden's term?


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Can you give an example? All the ones I've seen are either from the (far) right, or a direct reaction to the (far) right bucking traditional rules.

Can you give an example?

No, they cannot.

I didn't really expect them to answer. 90% of the time you just get to watch them scuttle off to hide, like cockroaches from the light. 9% of the time you get soundbite diarrhea, which is easy to debunk.

The last 1% can be interesting however. A well thought out counter argument to something I believe. It is a good check, to make sure I'm not the one in the bubble. It also lets me understand those on the other side of a debate. It's reached the point where 1% is being generous, however.

I heard they found illegally downloaded Metallica songs on Hunter's laptop!!! Checkmate, libtards!

And here we run into Poe's law ☚ī¸. I'm hoping you dropped this --> /s

It's really hard to tell sometimes, isn't it? 😂

Yes I can. One of the prime ministers we had was convicted but abolished by the president. He was in a left oriented party, the president was in the same one. He didn't retire from politics, he went on to become our prime minister.

Unfortunately, that is so stripped down that it's impossible to analyse it in any reasonable way. It sounds like more run-of-the-mill corruption rather than bucking tradition though. Corruption is a problem of humanity, rather than just one side. Though even that seems a lot more prevalent and egregious in the right, right now.

If you want the full story or details, PM me, I'll disclose the names of the people and thus, the country I live in (which is what I'm trying to hide in this case).

I think it says a lot that your only example is either from a country so small that it would help dox you, or with other issues that would overshadow it.

I could, fairly trivially, locate multiple examples of right wing politicians abusing the traditions that support the country's government. While my own has its issues, I'm not limited to it.

Considering the original post was focused on the US and their current problems, your original comment implied that it applied there. The fact you haven't offered a single US based example is extremely telling.

Btw, Feel free to PM me the details, if you like.

Yes, I live in a small country. No, the examples are not from the US.

PM sent 👍.

The example was of the sort of corruption that affects politics everywhere, from a small country, not known for a lack of corruption. The example was also quite old. Predating trumps run at president.

Regardless, it was an example of left winged polititians doing exactly what left winged polititians are not supposed to do.

Doesn't matter of you're left or right winged around here, they're all the same, greedy and have no shame for what they did.

No-one ever said that left wing politicians are perfect. They are far from it.

The issue is 2-fold. You've not shown an example of what was originally discussed (blatant breaking of tradition , with no justification other than "because we can"). It is more normal corruption that creeps into all political systems.

The second is the scale. It's akin to comparing a school shooting, with dozens of fatalities, to a playground fistfight. Both are bad, but the scale is vastly different. Saying they should both be punished equally would be blatantly absurd.

The issue is 2-fold. You've not shown an example of what was originally discussed (blatant breaking of tradition , with no justification other than "because we can"). It is more normal corruption that creeps into all political systems.

That's exactly what I've shown. He went on to be a prime minister after being convicted and then abolished by the president, because... well, he can.

Regarding the last paragraph, there are other examples regarding the same polititian (cover ups of a few unexplained murders while he was in office) which is the smoking gun you're looking for. In the left's defence, the right did things like this as well.

My standpoint is both sides are, excuse my French, dogshit. Everyone is looking in their best selfinterest, nothing more.

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