More children’s deaths in Gaza in 3 weeks than annual total since 2019: NGO to World – 204 points –
More children’s deaths in Gaza in 3 weeks than annual total since 2019: NGO

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If Hamas said it, we should hope they’re lying like they lied about the hospital

Sorry but it wasn't a lie

Yea, it was.

Israel claim Hamas lied, Al Jazeera proved Hamas didn't

US, Canada, France also all said Hamas lied. I don't care what Quarry propaganda said.

Actually they said it was PIJ not Hamas.

Yeah, they said Hamas lied about Israel striking the hospital and 500 being dead. Hamas is still claiming it was Israel and not PIJ hitting a parking lot.

And Gazans are living in a paradise with unicorns around them and no kid is being injured nor killed, and all BBC and other western websites are leftist who spread Hamas propaganda of Photoshopped pictures. Right, right?

Are you trying to deny that Hamas uses photoshopped images as well as movie scenes in their propaganda?

I am reading websites like BBC, which have a more stringent policy of what to publish.

But I think the bigger question is are you denying that Israel is doing atrocities and causing immense suffering to innocent Palestinians, while those are stuck without electricity, water, food or fuel? With nowhere to go and no area that is considered safe from bombardment!

If you're referring to the number of deaths from that explosion, then that was a mistranslation that media outlets copied and ran with.


TLDR: A more accurate translation of the original statement would have been victims or casualties. Not deaths. But when many news outlets were asked the source of the claim (as they had provided none in their articles) none responded with a source. But the source was later found and translated properly.

Edit: This is not support for Hamas, they can fuck off. It's just pointing out some very sloppy and irresponsible journalism in regards to that specific instance.

Was it also a misquote when Hamas said it was an Israeli airstrike?

There are still people who think it was an Israeli strike. Israel's contradictory evidence, as well as the direction of the rocket, make it much more likely to be Israel.

There are still people who think the earth is flat, so what?

No I'm talking like people that matter. I saw that one analysis a while back that states it's unlikely the rocket came from inside Gaza.

What you saw was a lingering desperate attempt to show that Hamas and PIJ are good guys.

A broken rocket can easily change direction and did, as the video of the blast showed. The direction of the crater doesn’t necessarily indicate the direction of the rocket.