How much does it really matter to use firefox? to – 64 points –

I donate to the Mozilla foundation, and I love Firefox a ton. But I can't seem to like the UI by installing a theme, and when I change it to look better the browser slows to a crawl. Does it really matter all that much if I use Chromium?

P.S. To the people from my last post regarding something similar, Firefox was too slow, I'm sorry, but I use Vivaldi instead of Brave because Brendon Eich can suck my dick.


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FF is totally broken for me when I try to use anything Google or Cloudflare related for some reason. With cloudflare, I'm in a human verification loop and with Google I get the message "This browser or app may not be secure", in a regular window or private window. This is Ubuntu 22.04. Works fine in chrome. Only browser plug-in I use is KeePassXC, and disabling it doesn't resolve the issue. Disabling pfblocker-ng at my router also did not solve the issue.

Anecdotal, and I am a Windows idiot, but I've never had a problem like this with Firefox in my life. People always talk about how slow it is and how half the internet doesn't work on it but I've personally never had a single problem. It's just worked perfectly out of the box since the very beginning.

Makes me wonder what the difference is.

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