Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty of fraud to – 740 points –
Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty of fraud

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Don't steal from the rich

But we can still steal from the poor right?

No problem there!

Phew! I was worried there for a second! Good to know I'll continue to face no consequences!

Steal? No, it's a clever business model where I convince you to buy dogshit because dogshit will be worth x10 next month and I'm definitely not dumping all my dogshit once you poors drive the price up.

No, it's the even more clever business model where I convince half my employees that if they just work a few extra minutes a day off the clock or work through their legally mandated lunch breaks, but still allow me to automatically deduct their pay for the break, then someday I'll notice all their hard work and reward them for it... someday.

Friendly reminder that wage theft outweighs all other robberies combined:

Minor fines may be involved and a stern "that's a no-no!" from a regulatory organization.