Congresswoman Informs Marjorie Taylor Greene, ‘Robert E. Lee Was Not Actually One of the Founding Fathers’ to politics – 363 points –
Congresswoman Informs Marjorie Taylor Greene, ‘Robert E. Lee Was Not Actually One of the Founding Fathers’

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I wish people would stop posting Mediaite “articles”. They are just poorly-written clickbait.

Or anything relating MTG.

She's just a low effort troll looking for attention.

There's no value in anything she ever said or did in her entirely life, so there's no value in reporting on any of it either.

I have nothing against an article about Magic The Gathering.

This nonsense about Marge Green is drivel though.

Seriously people need to quit using the 3 initial thing for her - her name isn’t heiphenated

I don't like her either but.... Sun Tzu says..

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

I don't need to hear her to know exactly what she's about. People like her aren't complicated.

I facepalm seeing people who are usually on top of the ball with their political views sharing articles from Mediaite, The Daily Beast, and The New Republic without recognizing the prominence of inflammatory and agenda-pushing bad journalism across these platforms. It may not be every single story or headline but it’s a consistent theme, especially with the more viral articles. The same types of flaws are a major aspect of what Fox News is condemned for and lead to people picking a side of a story or picking a party just for emotion and in-grouping rather than reason.

So right. I'm quite sick of these articles that sound like a teenager relaying an interaction they had in school today.

"And so Maggie said 'that's stupid' and then Tom said 'no you're stupid.' It was wicked."

Dude, what isn't click bait anymore?