Congresswoman Informs Marjorie Taylor Greene, ‘Robert E. Lee Was Not Actually One of the Founding Fathers’ to politics – 363 points –
Congresswoman Informs Marjorie Taylor Greene, ‘Robert E. Lee Was Not Actually One of the Founding Fathers’

As a reminder, the majority of the Confederate statues weren't erected right after the Civil War. In fact, Robert E. Lee was against statues commemorating the Confederacy. He wanted it to be consigned to history.

The bulk of these statues were erected during the Him Crow era as a means of intimidating the black population. They were a way of saying "don't you DARE use those new freedoms like the right to vote or else you'll get THIS!"

Oh, and given how the parties flipped, these statues were likely erected by Democrats. So Greene is defending statues that Democrats put up.

The only reason why all of these statues shouldn't be torn down into pieces and melted is that a few should be sent to museums to be exhibits about the Jim Crow era. That's the only appropriate place for them.

I totally agree that these statues should be kept intact but not maintained in a memorial garden where the whole treason can be enshrined and never forgotten.

I'm reminded of the giant lynching mural at Indiana University and how some sensitive white kids were offended by it and wanted it removed. The black student union had to remind them, "this is your history, this is where you come from. If you erase it, you risk forgetting it".

The most painful history is the stuff we need to preserve. Humans suffered, fought, and died so that we could live a better life. I don't want to forget that.

Wilson segregated the federal government, refounded the KKK, sponsored Birth of a Nation, and started erecting the statues. Fucker needs to be remembered as the worst president in history, just because of the shit he did domestically, I won't even get into the shit show he caused with his foreign policies

This woman is such an embarrassment to our people, we should all feel bad about.

Get your shit together, Georgia.

Look, we saved the entire fucking Senate by electing two Democratic Senators. This is just one rep from the podunk buttfuckery corner of the state. Give us a damn break!

As far as I’m concerned Georgia has gone above and beyond in the past few years for our democracy.

This shit stain is just a botched fart y’all trusted and need to air out and change your drawers.

Georgians trusted nothing. A few dipshits in Rome are the ones who not only trusted it, but are happy to wallow in the result.

We should really give Rome to Alabama, nothing but trouble

Yeah, each state has their own clusters of crazy. You can’t judge all of a state on a single rep. Boebert is from Colorado, for example. I definitely want my podunk buttfuck neighbors to be less idiotic in their choices, but the state as a whole is voting for the right people.

I like to point out that, most recently, it's the responsibility of only 82,000 people in this country (total votes: 170k out of 258k) that has filled (it feels like) 82% of our news cycle with this person's barfhole. If you go back to her first primary win, it's 21,000.

What I don't understand is why the losers are so widely celebrated?

Appeasement after the assassination of Lincoln due to Johnson's soft stance on Confederates. Basically moderates shit the bed and rather than wipe out the ideology, they let it fester and become "heritage."

it also says in the article

Greene did not say that Lee was a founding father

i hate news websites like this and i hate reddit and by extension lemmy


She didn't say that directly. She insinuated that the Democrats were trying to remove monuments of the founding fathers, and immediately followed that statement with: "Just like they did with the statue of Robert E. Lee," in Charlottesville. The representative from Maine was merely responding to her entire statement.

The article title is correct, it just wasn't as much of a burn as you'd like. The calling out did happen, but was just a bit misplaced since Greene didn't explicitly make the offending statement.

Also Greene is dumb and I'm sure is still confused about what a founding father is.

I wish people would stop posting Mediaite “articles”. They are just poorly-written clickbait.

Or anything relating MTG.

She's just a low effort troll looking for attention.

There's no value in anything she ever said or did in her entirely life, so there's no value in reporting on any of it either.

I have nothing against an article about Magic The Gathering.

This nonsense about Marge Green is drivel though.

Seriously people need to quit using the 3 initial thing for her - her name isn’t heiphenated

I don't like her either but.... Sun Tzu says..

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

I don't need to hear her to know exactly what she's about. People like her aren't complicated.

So right. I'm quite sick of these articles that sound like a teenager relaying an interaction they had in school today.

"And so Maggie said 'that's stupid' and then Tom said 'no you're stupid.' It was wicked."

I facepalm seeing people who are usually on top of the ball with their political views sharing articles from Mediaite, The Daily Beast, and The New Republic without recognizing the prominence of inflammatory and agenda-pushing bad journalism across these platforms. It may not be every single story or headline but it’s a consistent theme, especially with the more viral articles. The same types of flaws are a major aspect of what Fox News is condemned for and lead to people picking a side of a story or picking a party just for emotion and in-grouping rather than reason.

Dude, what isn't click bait anymore?

My boss is a total right wing nut, thankfully he isn't so crazy that he is impossible to work with. I have concluded that almost every problem he has with the world is a straw-man. He has to characterize his argument in a fantasy and then play it out. Never does he use real examples, they are always made up what if's.

This same thing MTG is doing here. It's ridiculous and just amazing that people can live in their own heads like that.

Most of the statues of racists and/or traitors were put up quite recently. Curiously, the right wing is allllll about virtue signaling of a certain kind.

Marge angry


Why the long face, Marge?

I just wish she wasn't such a neigh-sayer.

can't even be a founding teenager considering he was born about 25 years after the declaration of independence.