Muslims disillusioned by Biden face difficult choice with Trump to politics – 154 points –
Muslims disillusioned by Biden face difficult choice with Trump

Muslim voters disillusioned with President Biden’s position on Israel are facing the prospect of a difficult choice in 2024.


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Demographics across the spectrum of humanity.

Trump didn't see a general increase of votership across the board, or he would have won, right? So it seems silly to hand wave it away as just "humans being stupid".

That presupposes they are independent factors. The more likely case rather, is that certain demographics attract stupid people. Trump famously said, "I love the poorly educated!" When a choice is involved, such as trump/Biden or dem/rep, we don't need to see an even distribution of the population within those choices. With religion, often the smarter you are the better chance of you self selecting out of religion.

So you're saying that their being stupid is more likely to cause them to be Muslim?

That's the wrong order. Out of people born into Muslim or religious households, there is likely an even distribution of intelligent to stupid. Then the smart people self select out of religion leaving a disproportionate amount of stupid people in religions. So lack of intelligence doesn't cause religion. Having intelligence can be a cause for people to leave religion.

So you're saying their being Muslim does have to do with their being stupid -- or at least their continuing to be Muslim does.

That's called correlation.

But see, if it was about religion generally, wouldn't we expect to see a similar trend across all religious people?

We do see that trend across all religions. Unless you wanted to count some of the "anti-religions" like Pastafarianism or The Church of Satan.

No we didn't. Trump saw a minor drop in support from Catholics and White Evangelicals in 2020 compared to 2016 -- that's part of what lost him the election.

I was still referring to the stupid v religious correlation. There can be other factors causing the religious vote to sway.

So then it sounds like we agree -- the reason for seeing an increase in Muslims voting for Trump is more nuanced than just a general rise in stupidity across humanity.

If that was your original contention, then yes. Almost everything is more nuanced than what is reported in the media. But nuance doesn't drive clicks.

If that was your original contention, then yes.

Yes, and it was directed at the comment I replied to. So not entirely sure why you jumped in with what you did, if you were in agreement.

"Evil or Stupid? I'm not sure which is more dangerous. "
"Stupid! Evil only gets uppity every once in a while. Stupid is with you 24/7."

Not sure how that's relevant, but okay.