[Mental Outlaw] YouTube Accidentally Made Ad Blockers More Powerful

Hal-5700X@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 503 points –
YouTube Accidentally Made Ad Blockers More Powerful

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"((( )))"? I thought that was a crowd saying something e.g "((( that's what she said )))". Or being a really fat dude. I remember :-))) being a smiley with a triple chin.

((( What does this mean to some people now? )))


Confusing... that sounds positive. We should remember the atrocities committed against them. Funny how it was flipped to mean something bad.

IMO, it should be reclaimed. Just like "slut", "queer" and other words are being reclaimed in a positive sense.

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((())) indicates that someone is allegedly Jewish. Sometimes they use )))((( for their own names to imply that they're surrounded by Jews.

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