An Auto Loan Debt Crisis Looks Imminent

Lee to – 276 points –
An Auto Loan Debt Crisis Looks Imminent

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Where are we on the whole used car market thing? This could get wiggly if tons of people can't pay their car note, but for at least the first few they might actually be able to sell and turn around some money. Not a ton, mind, but until recently it was a given that your car is worth less than you owe on it.

We were in the market for a new car about 6 months ago. I wanted to buy used, but a used version of the exact same car (except a year or two older, obviously with mileage) was roughly the same price as the new car on the lot. Needless to say we bought the new car

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Used cars are still more expensive than their new counterparts, at least in San Diego. It's almost cheaper to buy a classic car than a used car in many cases.

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