Thousands of people are reportedly lining up to have a portion of their skull removed and one of Elon Musk's brain chips implanted

I Cast to Not The – 258 points –
Thousands of people are reportedly lining up to have a portion of their skull removed and one of Elon Musk's brain chips implanted

Earlier this year, the US Food and Drug Administration gave Neuralink, which Musk cofounded in 2016, approval to launch human trials of its device that Musk has described as a "Fitbit in your skull." The FDA had previously rejected Neuralink's bid for human testing in March over safety concerns, Reuters reported, including that the wires connected to the brain chip could move within a subject's head or that the chip could overheat.


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On the other hand, it feels like Neuralink is preying on their hopes.

It's not different than any other experimental treatment.

The sentence after the one you quoted explains how this is different from other treatments (it's Musk). With any other company, the question wouldn't have even entered my mind.

The vitriol against anything vaguely Musky on lemmy is so perplexing to me.

It's nuts that people will froth at the mouth at the merest suggestion they consider buying a Tesla, and then drive off in their Volkswagen.

It's not just Lemmy, it's all of the communities and people that he constantly trolls and shits on. The only people he hasn't tried to piss off are neo-fascists and Russians. If someone doesn't see that, they must not be paying attention. Which, well... that's not a bad idea, to be honest.

Regardless, it's nice that everyone is finally waking up to the fact that he's just a grifter who likes to call non-grifters pedos.

Also, I caught the comment you made next to this one; what client are you using that shows downvotes? If they're actually downvoted (shows +1 to me), it's likely because the sentence, right after the one they quoted, answered their question. So, the comment as-is didn't really add anything to the conversation.

to be fair, the VW EVs are better than the tesla EVs

I don't know why you're being downvoted- Your point is accurate and adds to the conversation. Welcome to reddit, I guess.

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