You’re more likely to go to prison for exposing animal cruelty than for committing it to politics – 864 points –
You’re more likely to go to prison for exposing animal cruelty than for committing it

Not really sure what to put here...I usually put relevant excerpts, but that got this post deleted for doing that


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Seems like it wasn't for "exposing animal cruelty" so much as it was for, y'know, trespassing, breaking and entering, theft, etc.

For the sake of argument… if I hear you beating your dog, should I break down the door to stop it?

Yes, I could call 911, but by the time they arrive the sounds would stop and they’d have no probable cause. I could go in and steal the dog or even just record a video right now. What is the ethical thing to do?

Not really an apples to apples comparison (unfortunately). Cows have fewer rights than dogs.

You would be within your rights to do something about the dog scenario, and the law would support you. Cows, on the other hand, are seen as products or machines, so "doing the ethical thing" would be looked at as if you were trying to steal someone's car.

I agree that it's not right, but that's why these activists are arrested, instead of the animal owners.

In many ways this is the tip of the spear for changing the laws.

The same was done for any equal rights battle- blacks, women, etc. “illegal” acts had to be done.

If only there was a device that can fit in your pocket that could record such things as well as allow you to call the cops

If only the OP was allowed to present those recording and videos taken through their magical pocket device in court.

There's these people called the police, may be you present it to them, if they don't do anything may be try getting that changed instead of breaking the law yourself

You know about Ag-Gag laws? They lobby with your money for such laws if you consume animal products.

And when decades of lobbying to change the laws don’t work and the animals are still being abused?

Edit: lol at people downvoting this. Do you think there isn’t physical abuse going on here? The ag gag laws are working I guess, but footage of the abuse is out there

If you don't want to do anything about it that's a you probem

What are people supposed to do besides lobby? Lobbying didn’t work.

Are you against all climate change protests too? Animal agriculture is one of the biggest drivers of climate change, so you probably hate Greta Thunberg, since she commits so many crimes and is always getting arrested, right?

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Eat tasty tasty burgers?

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So I SHOULD break in and record it, like the group in this Vox article has done? Your comments seem to be against them, but then you make statements that sound like they’re defending these actions.

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Just like those criminals who knew it is against the law to sit in the front of the bus, or those who used whites only bathrooms? They did not fight for freedom but break the law?

Did you just compare black people fighting for civil rights and equality with animal freedom?

I suspect you were just point out that civil disobedience is a valid protest tactic, but I would recommend just saying that next time. Comparing people fighting for equality with animals fighting for freedom is ... Not great. At worst, it comes across as racist. At best, tone deaf.

I guess you are a speciesist to get so but hurt about a comparison, you know there is a difference to equation and comparing? How is it tone deaf in a thread about those who fight for those with no voice to say that it is a just cause, just like that I compared it to? Stop supporting animal abuse while acting upset about the logical comparison.

Hey now. Stop bringing logic into these arguments. You're ruining the 1984 fantasy these people want to live in.

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