This needs to become illegal. Ads are part of the price you pay for a device or service. If you didn't agree to them at the time of purchase, they can't be sprung on you after you've paid.
They agreed, they just didn't read the terms and conditions
Fuck that. That isn't an excuse. The ToS are abused by companies all the time.
They didn't agree at the time of purchase.
I am sure if someone sues them then they will definately be off the hook because of some statement in their terms of service.
You need to be aware of major terms in a contract for it be valid. That or they need to be reasonable or standard.
This needs to become illegal. Ads are part of the price you pay for a device or service. If you didn't agree to them at the time of purchase, they can't be sprung on you after you've paid.
They agreed, they just didn't read the terms and conditions
Fuck that. That isn't an excuse. The ToS are abused by companies all the time.
They didn't agree at the time of purchase.
I am sure if someone sues them then they will definately be off the hook because of some statement in their terms of service.
You need to be aware of major terms in a contract for it be valid. That or they need to be reasonable or standard.
Which is why it needs to become illegal