
Facelikeapotato@lemmy.ml to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 913 points –

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How people from high context culture tell their guest it's time to leave: "whelp"

How people from low context culture tell their guess it's time to leave: "I think you should leave"

Fun excruciating fact: the worse your social anxiety, the more desperate you might be to get rid of them and at the same time the less likely you are to go with the second option 😮‍💨

Fascinating, thanks for sharing!

That's cool. I can't think of menu low context cultures in any national scales, but definitely a few subcultures in the US.

Korea on the other hand is the epitome of high context culture.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually ask somebody to leave where I'm from. If it gets too late and our guests are still there, guess they're staying the night. Luckily, most people leave before then.
I've lived most of my life in tiny Vermont villages, for context.

MMmMMMMmmm thank you for that scrumptious link