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Oh I love a flippant answer that has no argument, it proves you know you're wrong and at the very least cannot support your argument so instead you insult like a child.

How appropriate, you fight like a cow!

Oh I love it, it's your "mother language" and yet you can't form an argument as to why our how I'm wrong and yet I've proved with evidence how exactly you are wrong.

Lash out, it just proves your wrong.

So you've proven that I don't speak German now or what? I gotta call my mom to tell her! She'll never believe this! /s

Nope not at all, I've proved your wrong about the idiom and your ego won't let you admit that simply speaking a language doesn't make you an expert in it nor does it in fact make you an expert in the idioms thereof.

Sure, I'd love to speak to your mother, get her on here in sure she'll be super proud you're arguing against a dictionary.

You're a dictionary now? I shouldn't have eaten those mushrooms.

Nope, the evidence provided is a dictionary that you say you know better than.

When did I do that?

For like 15 idiotic comments, you even referenced my source ya dummy.

When exactly did I claim I knew anything better than the dictionary? When did I disagree with the dictionary?

Literally every time you referenced the dictionary, you even got offended that I quoted the dictionary.

But sure, if the dictionary is right, how exactly am I wrong.

Show me one instance where I disagreed with the dictionary, Mr. "'Antwort' means 'answer', not 'response'".

You being a dingus for quoting the dictionary at me to explain an idiom that I've known and used for years in a language I've spoken on a daily basis since I can remember doesn't make me disagree with the dictionary.

So yeah... When did I disagree with any dictionary? Or rather: any translation/explanation of an idiom?

Ah so I'm not wrong then, took a bit for you to admit but I'm glad we got there.

Doing something for years doesn't mean you are doing it competently, you've never met an idiot who's done their job wrong for years?

Oh literally every time you tried to mock me for being wrong while not providing evidence or explanation. I typically call that being a crybaby but you're welcome to offer a different definition.

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