Donald Trump is reportedly planning an anti-immigrant "blitz" to politics – 229 points –
Donald Trump is reportedly planning an anti-immigrant "blitz"

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If Donald Trump wins back the presidency, he plans to quickly detain millions of undocumented immigrants in vast camps in Texas, try to end birthright citizenship, renew a version of his effort to ban Muslims from entering the United States, and deny visas to foreigners whose politics his advisers don’t like, the New York Times reported Saturday.

sigh And it's because of this sort of thing that I, unfortunately, have to advocate for voting for Biden, despite everything terrible he's doing right now.

Biden is a lukewarm president on a good day.

But compared to this bullshit fascist Christian sharia law ramble above he’s almost one of our only hopes.

I hope his name isn’t on the ballet this next November. But if it’s listed then we’re all in danger. This nonsense is a far right fascists wet dream.

Often in politics you gotta vote for the least shittiest option, especially when your democracy has whittled down to the two-party system conundrum.

You left off the last part. Vote for the least shitty candidate with any possibility of winning. And encourage better candidates to run and primary in the future.

Yeah the majority of the country will sadly/hopefully be in the same boat. But tbh most presidential elections are voting against one candidate versus for one candidate.