Donald Trump is reportedly planning an anti-immigrant "blitz" to politics – 229 points –
Donald Trump is reportedly planning an anti-immigrant "blitz"

If Donald Trump wins back the presidency, he plans to quickly detain millions of undocumented immigrants in vast camps in Texas, try to end birthright citizenship, renew a version of his effort to ban Muslims from entering the United States, and deny visas to foreigners whose politics his advisers don’t like, the New York Times reported Saturday.

sigh And it's because of this sort of thing that I, unfortunately, have to advocate for voting for Biden, despite everything terrible he's doing right now.

Biden is a lukewarm president on a good day.

But compared to this bullshit fascist Christian sharia law ramble above he’s almost one of our only hopes.

I hope his name isn’t on the ballet this next November. But if it’s listed then we’re all in danger. This nonsense is a far right fascists wet dream.

Often in politics you gotta vote for the least shittiest option, especially when your democracy has whittled down to the two-party system conundrum.

You left off the last part. Vote for the least shitty candidate with any possibility of winning. And encourage better candidates to run and primary in the future.

Yeah the majority of the country will sadly/hopefully be in the same boat. But tbh most presidential elections are voting against one candidate versus for one candidate.

How will he do this from prison?

Dudes at the UFC right now

you saw how the crowd was cheering him on? and how the coverage kept on going back to him?

i never felt so disgusted at that organization as I did yesterday. i already knew of the infatuation between dana white and himself, but the rest of the cronies swooning around him, kissing his ass, made me rethink how much i really want to be a fan of this organization going forward.

It's always been my personal impression that MMA and UFC was full of the douchiest douches in doucheville. Things like this only seem to confirm it. I don't begrudge people from watching wrestling etc. But usually with them it's at least all just an act.

lol you're not wrong..

the fighters that got me into the UFC were the likes of anderson silva and lyoto machida.. i don't know if you know who those are, but just picture fighters that promote humility and respect, and are just bad ass at fighting.

the instagram video in this article features the 2 main event fighters in the first ufc event i watched.. that fight was several years ago.. now they're hanging out in a living room watching sentimental videos together 😂

And I plan to piss on his grave when he’s gone. Hopefully one of these two is more likely.

They’re going to have to bury him at sea. If they buried him on land, the grave would quickly become a Superfund site, on account of all the piss.

You'll have to take up golfing then, because there is no way he won't be buried in his golf course for tax reasons. Also to charge an entry fee to all the saps willing to worship and pray to him

Oh I’d pay, well at least a one time fee, to do the honor. Now I wouldn’t join “his” club for fuck sakes, but green fees one time, yeah I probably would. I’d even be discrete about it. Rig up some tube coming out of my shoe running to a sock catheter up my pants leg., bow my head in faux reverence all the while pissing on his grave. But no I haven’t put a lot of thought into this or anything. 🤣

And I’m fully aware of how juvenile and meaningless it all would be. But this man has done more damage to the country and to the people he’s brainwashed into following him than anybody will ever truly understand. He is the epitome of the greed, avarice, and selfishness that is destroying not just this country but the entire world. Fuck him.

It's completely legal to fly a drone over private property, just an fyi.

There's some exceptions like federal property but none apply to his shitty golf courses.

You’re an evil genius aren’t you? I bet you have a really cool lair. With sharks and lasers and everything.

Not at all, I do I have a few cats that occasionally get pet menacingly though.

Unlikely, Florida is already mad he did it with his ex wife.

Ed, err new jersey apologies

Who is it he thinks hes going to get to vote for him that isnt already voting for him?

I mean the Latino vote should be near 0% buuuut it was closer than you'd think.

my broader point is that Trump has gained 0 ground with any one who didn't vote for him in 2020, 2016.

It might feel good and he might be getting an emotional response from his bae (which is considerable), but he has won zero new voters with his post 2020 campaigning. If we go by the effect of actually votes cast, voting in 2021, 2022, 2023, has been an across the board shellacking for both Trumpism and to a lesser extent Republicanism. It's unpopular af outside of the circles in which it is super popular. His core is fanatical, but neither a plurality or majority outside of maybe some extreme states, an even then, I doubt it with how gerrymandered everything is.

So who is he servicing with this messaging and why? It's clearly just for his extant base. Why? I don't know. I don't think he planned to leave office and I think he sees that as his clearest past away from prison. But he won't win an election on shit like this.

my broader point is that Trump has gained 0 ground with any one who didn’t vote for him in 2020, 2016.

I'm not so sure about that...he's polling better with black and Hispanic people than ever before, apparently. Good news it that these are early polls and feature a ton of problems that make their reliability low.

Yeah polling seems to become less and less reliable in the last 1-4 years. Remember when the red wave was going to wipe out the "dems" and then....totally opposite happened.

If polling is done by random calling numbers then you can trash any numbers cuz most of us ain't answering shit unless we recognize the number.

What methodology is used to get those poll numbers? If they are cold-calling people they will only talk to people who are so old that they still answer unknown numbers.

There's a wildly large number of Latinos that don't like people coming here illegally, even if that includes people they know.

Despite Dems going to bat for immigrants and Latinos pretty often, they're really not a reliably liberal voting block. They probably trend more conservative than anything, which is ironic, given how much the GOP generally dislikes Latinos. Which seems like a recurring problem for Democrats. They try to build this Big Tent party and look out for various groups, but yet many of their supposed voting blocs aren't really reliable when they're needed.

Think? Who ever said Trump was a thinker? Even he admits he just makes decisions by reflex.

Start with all the immigrants he employs at Mar-a-Lardo