Trump Was ‘Not Going To Leave’ The White House, Lawyer Testifies In Georgia Case to politics – 513 points –
Trump Was ‘Not Going To Leave’ The White House, Lawyer Testifies In Georgia Case

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I'm not saying a group of bumpkins didn't storm the Capitol.

I am not saying that is acceptable.

I am saying that life went on (for everyone except that one woman), justice was served, and Trump doesn't scare me enough to vote for a genocidal maniac.

Trump, the one wanting to ban Muslims, is the genocidal maniac, right? Because Biden supporting Israel is shitty, but recently he has been putting pressure for a cease-fire. I'll take the old fart that adapts rather than the old fart who wants to shove the nation up his asshole and clench.

Hold up. Let's be 100% real about the situation in Gaza for a minute: it takes both parties to arrange a ceasefire.

Those parties of course being the Israeli government (still regrettably under the impotent-feeling, "security"-focused war monger Netanyahu, by the way) and Hamas (a group that was founded on antisemitic genocide, who recently waged the largest mass killing of innocent Jews since the Holocaust, who still holds somewhere upwards of 400 innocent hostages somewhere in Gaza, and who have themselves rejected the idea of a peaceful solution to the current situation).

That's right--both the Netanyahu administration and Hamas represent one-time democratically elected but largely corrupt regimes who ran on their extreme and staunchly militant approaches to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They both did things to prop each other up and to push the region towards militant extremism. They both wanted a fight, and it's not really a surprise that a fight is exactly what we've ended up with.

As America is a key ally to Israel, obviously the Biden administration has a lot of potential (though not infinite, as we've seen time and again) to pressure the Netanyahu admin. But they certainly don't have enough sway to get Israel to give up their counter-assault on Hamas, and especially to take back the hundreds of civilian hostages who are being held in Gaza. Furthermore, the countries that have sway over Hamas (like Iran, Russia to name two big ones) have made no attempt to get Hamas to back down, and in fact all signs show that they have been helping Hamas and cheering them on.

Kushner-esque naivety and ignorance aside, there is no push-button solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict today and there never has been. They are clearly further from peace than they have been for decades, and neither side is willing or ready to back down. A ceasefire is not on the cards, and it won't be until Israel and Hamas come to some kind of agreement.

The people who understand this simple and sad truth are just being realistic. People want to complain about Biden, but at the same time why is nobody acknowledging that his position on this is currently no different than that of Bernie Sanders? Are people going to sit here with a straight face and call Bernie a "genocidal maniac" too?

Almost mobody likes what they're seeing in Gaza (other than Putin and Iran), but anybody who says that there's a American-oriented, simple, unilateral, turn-key solution to stopping the violence is just plainly talking out of their ass.

All I'm saying is pressure from your sugar daddy helps.

Sure, it helps on one side of the equation, but on the Hamas side their sugar daddies are seemingly only pressuring them to go further do more.

Its because they're fifty years into trading eyes for eyes. Nothing will be good at this point.

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Didn't the trump cucks kill a cop too?

Not that I recall.

One sad woman got 1 tapped and they scattered like cockroaches.

Link it if I'm wrong.

Nah why don't you do your own research. I got better things to do than do research for some lazy troll arguing in bad faith. Please do LSD or mushrooms to gain empathy and become a real human being who cares about others.

So my recollection is correct.

And also, the irony of someone telling me to get empathy to convince me into supporting a genocide like them. Height of irony.

Your recollection is incorrect, one officer died the following night as a result of his injuries. Two others also killed themselves within a week of it.

Also where the fuck is anyone discussing genocide here? Nevermind, I see you're using Biden's position on Israel/Palestine as a shitty rhetorical deflection.

Thanks for the correction. 2 people died, not 1. Dude further up was correct. 1 woman shot. 1 officer bludgeoned in the head. Shit smears on the walls. Bitches scurrying like cockroaches when the woman got shot.

Also, you're right. Crossed wires with other threads I'm responding to. Though I still think this article is part of a campaign to fluff up Trump and make him look much bigger and badder than he is by the media in an effort to bully us into voting for Biden, despite the genocide, horrible approval ratings, and general overall shitty job at being President.

How can you so non-chalantly dismiss even a disorderly and seemingly disorganized coup attempt? Either you're ignorant of history entirely, have way more trust in those with authority than I do, or you're shilling. I truly cannot think of any other reasons that would make sense.

I've read all your comments in this thread and I'm still convinced it's one of those 3.

The hill he wants to die on is third-party advocacy. The current rhetoric for that is holding Biden singlehandedly accountable for Israel's genocide.

Yknow even after his administration pledged support for a two state solution under Fatah.

Where did I say I support genocide? I didn't. Link it if I'm wrong.

I know you're getting really emotional right now and not thinking clearly, but that's ok. When you are able to clam down I hope you are able to take a logical objective look at the facts with an open mind and heart.

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