Apple gets the message, RCS coming to iPhone in 2024 with same Universal Profile as Android to – 264 points –
Apple gets the message, RCS coming to iPhone in 2024 with same Universal Profile as Android

It's happening!!!


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Imagine cross-platform RCS support built into Signal. 🥹💭

Man that would be nice. Could finally have it be all in one again like Google Hangouts before it was killed.

I still miss Hangouts + Voice

Same I legit think it could've been Google's actual competition to iMessage but they fumbled the bag so badly it's crazy.

Oh that'd be nice but since no more SMS in Signal I can't see it going back in (unless they reversed course?)

IIRC their point was that SMS is insecure, so they don't want people using SMS in Signal to think that this is Signal. With RCS, they could do what Apple will - be interoperable while providing extras with own platform (iMessage).

Admittedly, that doesn't sound like enough reason to reimplement SMS and RCS alone would still be kind of inconvenient.

they could go the apple route and just make sms messages an ugly color

Why not have separate apps so users can opt to install one or the other?

Why do you use two apps for SMS or iMessage now.

I don't understand. I don't do that. But I have Whatsapp, telegram, signal and discord installed, and those are all quite separate apps.

The point being, why would I want my Whatsapp install to come integrated with a whole discord client? I can already just install both, which is much easier and keeps things separate.

The point is getting adoption. Especially in the US, where people actually use iPhone, no one wants to download a second app because iMessage is 'good enough' 99% of the time.