South Korea aims to ban dog meat consumption

Lee to World – 292 points –
South Korea aims to ban dog meat consumption

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I don't think this will affect this dog farm:

Dogs on Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat farm were bred for food.

Eating dogs is a personal choice.

Some people prefer the taste of dog.

Yeah ok, you convinced me. Go ahead and keep eating dog.

I mean, yes? Other than most people thinking of dogs as pets what's the moral difference between eating dog and eating cattle or poultry? It's pretty hypocritical to ban one and not the other.

And no, I'd never eat a dog. But I have eaten horse.

What the hell! They have their own website! How is this legal?!

I really wanted pug bacon, but it's just a vegan scam site.

What do you mean? eating dogs is a personal choice. Like ok you find them cute or whatever but like pigs are smarter and humans have canines so what ground can you stand on?

I enjoy a nice deep fried dog leg ok? cope harder.