What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful

PabloDiscobar@kbin.social to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 58 points –

At first it was all about presenting data in an original looking way. In the end it was about pushing political ideas in your throat using a plain bar graph. It was not about sharing something interesting you found but about taking advantage of a captive audience.


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Everything at reddit devolved into pushing political ideals. That's what happens when nobody can respect that others are allowed to have different opinions.

man why is kbin being swamped with nazis and "im a centrist but..." people all of a sudden, it's getting really annoying

So 'people who respect other people's opinions' are nazis?

EDIT: The amount of stuff you have to assume, lie about, and make-up is astounding. I pity you. You're making up your own enemy and that's very sad. I hope one day you can have a productive discussion without villifying anyone who dares simply say they have a different opinion than you.

It's clear that you don't even understand the 'paradox of intolerance' that you like to misquote.

It's a mind-shortcut taking piss out of the blatant centrist mindset of criticising the left and defending the right by saying shit like "you cannot censor people you disagree with!" while talking about people posting bonafide hate speech and mistaking it for freedom of speech.

Something something Popper's Paradox and Nazi Bar analogy.

Your "opinion" that certain people should be killed on sight does not have to be "respected" by anyone.

Certain people should not have to justify their existence to anyone, especially not in the fkrm of "reasonable debate".

Conservatism has repeatedly shown itself to be a belief set that brings only pain. People don't have to listen to you screech about your bigotry if they don't want to.

yes. end of story.

Respecting other people's opinions is being well mannered. Stating that people that do so are ***** sounds batshit crazy to me.

nobody can respect that others are allowed to have different opinions.

It's the paradox of tolerance social contract. I will respect their right to an opinion as long as they uphold that contract. Unfortunately, many don't.

  1. Stop misusing the 'parodox of tolerance' if you haven't actually studied it. It doesn't mean what 99% of people on reddit/lemmy think it means.

  2. I've seen more people shut down anyone who disagrees with them (both here and on rddit) than I have people 'not uphold the social contract'. Yes, there are trolls, but there are way more people who say 'shut up nazi!' at the first sign of even a slightly different opinion.

  1. It's a Wikipedia link away, it doesn't require a PhD to read and understand. Why are you assuming I need to study it to know what it is?

  2. Would you like to state your views? Because it certainly sounds like you have some that are pent up inside.