Aardman Animation Only Has Enough Clay For One More Movie

Djinn@lemm.ee to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 243 points –

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Imagine having a successful, "thriving" business and having to shut it down because nobody wanted to take it over after you retired.

Yeah, the facts aren't adding up here. Why wouldn't Aardman buy them up if they were the only supplier and successful?

Just because you are a big buyer of product X, it does not necessarily mean you are the best-suited person to run a company producing it.

Sp you're telling me that eating McDonald's every day doesn't make me qualified to he the CEO of McDonalds? I wish someone would have told me this earlier.

No, you are what you eat.

Eat the rich.

I was wondering.

If we were to kill Bezos and cut him into 8 billion pieces and feed it to the entire population of Earth.

Could we make everyone rich?

Or does it take a specific threshold of cannibalism to make someone into what they eat?

Just because you own it doesn't mean you have to run it. Thats what CEOs are for. They often don't own the company they run.